Urban Aeronautics Announces First Four Pre-orders Of Its Ems CityHawk Aircraft From Hatzolah Air; Lightweight VTOL Air Ambulances To Be Optimized For Emergency Response

Urban Aeronautics Ltd., a leading Israeli aerospace company, today announced it has reached an agreement to provide four CityHawk VTOL aircraft to Hatzolah Air for emergency medical service (EMS) applications.

In addition, Hatzolah Air will become Urban Aeronautics’ official sales representative and distribution channel to other EMS and rescue organizations worldwide. The companies previously signed an MOU to develop, produce, and market the CityHawk aircraft for EMS applications.

“Hatzolah’s pre-order of four air ambulance CityHawks is an amazing show of confidence in our program and in our company,” said Nimrod Golan-Yanay, CEO of Urban Aeronautics. “We look forward to delivering on our promise to revolutionize urban air mobility and the emergency response capabilities of major cities across the world.”

CityHawk is a lightweight twin-engine VTOL (vertical take-off and landing aircraft), with a uniquely compact footprint that can be optimized for urban transportation or emergency response. It will utilize jet propulsion, with cabins that are 20 to 30 percent larger and much quieter than comparable helicopters. The aircraft is planned to complete its development and FAA certification for EMS use and be ready for production within three to five years.

Hatzolah Air is a 501c3 Charitable Organization that provides urgent, emergent, rescue and charitable flights for patients and those in need. Hatzolah is widely recognized as providing the most advanced technology and highest quality of care available in the industry. Hatzolah Air currently operates fixed-wing aircraft for Hatzolah’s urgent and emergent missions and is excited to pioneer the VTOL alternative to ground based ambulances in densely populated urban settings globally.

Urban Aeronautics’ engineers are working closely with Hatzolah’s experts to tailor the CityHawk flying ambulance to their operational requirements. It will accommodate a pilot, a patient plus companion, two EMS personnel, and a complete suite of onboard life support equipment.

“We are excited to become not just the worldwide distributor of Urban Aeronautics’ Air Ambulance CityHawk, but its first customer as well,” said Eli Rowe, President of Hatzolah Air.

“Hatzolah’s mission is always about patient care, and adding the VTOL CityHawk has the potential to save many thousands of lives every year.”

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  1. just to let you guys know some historyfrom way back when yidden wanted to start hatzlah, there were poskim against the creating of hatzalah in the beginning,. They felt if there is a emergency system in place its not our chiuv to make more hishtadlus regarding this.Where do you draw the line they asked?Perhaps every member should have a motorcycle so they can go faster and get through traffic, the answere is, a yid only has to do normal hishtadlus, and they felt making sure there is a normal emergency system set up is enough hishtadlus and yidden shouldn’t make their own organazation. (most baby boomers dont know this hashkafa from amol)Im just sharing this with you as i see hatzalah getting air craft, this reminded me of the old debate.

  2. yes ive heard this before from my 9th grade rebbi in long beach many years ago, harav ozer Yona Kushner shlita , i learned so many authentic hashkafas from him

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