Seniors living in Ocean County can find information on programs and services available to them and their caregivers in the 2016 Resource Directory distributed by the Ocean County Office of Senior Services.
Recently updated, this handy directory includes information on a host of programs and services geared to assist seniors living in Ocean County.
“The Office of Senior Services serves as a focal point that older adults and their families can turn to for information and assistance regarding programs and services,” said Ocean County Freeholder Joseph H. Vicari, Chairman of Senior Services. “Our mission is to lead the way in advancing the well-being of older adults.”
The Office of Senior Services goals include improving access to services, promoting healthy aging, fostering greater independence for frail older adults, supporting family caregivers, and advocating for older adults at the federal, state and local level.
The department administers a comprehensive system of community based services including transportation, options counseling and care management; community support such as education, recreation, physical and mental health screenings, physical fitness, legal assistance; home support such as friendly visitor, residential maintenance, housekeeping, certified home health aides; nutrition support such as congregate meals and home delivered meals; and caregiver support such as respite, caregiver counseling, caregiver support groups and in-home education and support.
“Ocean County is home to the largest senior population in the state,” Vicari noted. “With more than 160,000 seniors calling Ocean County home, it’s a priority of the Board of Freeholders to provide them with programs and services that will help them remain independent so they can enjoy a good quality of life here.”
The resource directory provides at a glance senior services programs, and contact information as well as a service index.
“This directory is a great tool to refer to when looking for programs and services,” Vicari said. “I would recommend it to our seniors and also their caregivers.”
Some services featured within the resource directory are the PAAD Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled; educational programs such as adult education classes at Ocean County Vocational Technical schools and Ocean County College, Toms River; employment assistance such as the Senior Employment Program; health services such as the Ocean County Health Department among others; counseling such as the Senior Guidance Program; hospital locations; insurance in regards to Medicare; senior, community and recreation centers found in Ocean County; and transportation such as Ocean Ride.
“The resource directory can be accessed online, or mailed to anyone requesting it,” Vicari said.
To obtain a copy of the Senior Services Resource Directory stop by the Office of Senior Services located at 1027 Hooper Ave., Building 2, Toms River, or call (732) 929-2091. To access the directory online visit