UPDATED: LSTA cancels early-morning Shachris runs

“In order to give more time for the roads to get salted – mostly focusing on the secondary roads and sunrise and warmer temperatures – we are cancelling

the early morning shacris runs,” Rabbi Krawiec says told TLS. “However, the Girls high schools, boys elementary and girls elementary are running regular.”

He added, “This is a safety call in tandem with Lakewood Police, Traffic and Safety , DPW and Township.”

Please call you school’s weather hotline for any changes in schedule.

The public schools have regular opening.

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  1. There really should have been a delayed opening for all schools. It wasn’t safe to send any kids out with everything still covered in ice.

  2. My son’s bus route ran an hour and twenty minutes late. As per the company, this was because other districts were on a delay which affected the Lakewood route.

    How does this make sense?? If you decide to delay your opening, why should that affect my route??

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