Updated letter from Gedolim regarding Covid vaccination

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there is an outdoor minyan for those at risk and they are so happy to finally be able to close the minyan and return to regular shul now that they have all been vaccinated
How are they so sure that there won’t be a negative reaction to the vaccine in several months? I would like to the scoop to post the handwritten letter and signatures from the Moetzes, so we can see that the Gedolim really wrote that there is is no sakanah bichlal.
The consensus among scientists is that the vaccine does not have as much protection against the new strains as the original virus. Whoever thinks that now he has a vaccine is 100 percent protected is mistaken and the same safeguards of mask wearing hand washing etc. must be kept to keep from infection and infecting others as consensus among researchers.
You must speak to the Moetzes yourself. for a psak of pikuach nefesh. Too many documents are spread that do not come from the rabbanim especially since it says things in this letter that are not true. It’s hard to believe they advocate this vaccine “without any doubt”
Nachman Ash, Israel’s equivalent to Fauci, just said the first dose of Pfizer’s vaccine was far less effective than Pfizer projected. And that a lot of people in Israel were infected with covid-19 after the first dose of vaccine. I don’t know why these rabbis choose to weigh in so soon into this vaccine’s history and call this Hashem’s cure.
1. The vaccine manufactures, and the Chief Scientist of the WHO, have stated clearly that this vaccine has not been proven to prevent infection or transmission, only to lessen symptoms.
2. VAERS has received close to 7,000 reports of adverse events since a month ago when this vaccine started to be used in the US. This includes anaphylaxis reactions, at a rate ten times higher than from the flu vaccine. A HHS-sponsored Harvard Medical School project confirmed that only one percent of adverse events are reported to VAERS. Do the math.
3. Scientist Peter Doshi reviewed the clinical trial data from Pfizer and noted that there were 3,410 “suspected but unconfirmed cases” of covid that were not included in efficacy figures. 1,594 in the vaccine group, 1816 in the placebo group.
4. Pfizer nor Moderna have any financial liability for their vaccine products, although they do have it for their other products. Pfizer is one of the leaders in penalties paid for fraud, etc.
5. This vaccine has NOT been tested in pregnant women. If your doctor tells you otherwise ask her or him what they know that the vaccine manufacturers don’t seem to know because their own information says they do not have enough data to say whether the vaccine is safe for pregnant women.
6. Do your own research on this vaccine. There are many doctors and nurses who are refusing to take it.