UPDATE: Unlicensed teen charged with Impersonating police officer, Hindering Apprehension after pulling over motorist in Lakewood

The man who pulled over a Lakewood motorist has been charged with Impersonating a Police Officer and Hindering Apprehension, police tell TLS.

As earlier reported on TLS, at approximately 2 am on November 26, Officer Andrew Solomon was approached by what he described as the frantic passenger of a black Cadillac Escalade.

The 26-year-old Lakewood man informed Officer Solomon that he and the driver noticed they were being followed by a dark colored vehicle on County Line Road.

“After a considerable distance, the operator of the suspect vehicle activated a white strobe light in the same manner that a police officer would during the course of a motor vehicle stop,” Detective Lieutenant Greg Staffordsmith told TLS.

“The passengers of the Escalade did not feel as if the suspect was actually a police officer, so they did not stop and sought help.”

Upon hearing this, Officer Solomon transmitted the information to other police units.

“A short time later, with the assistance of Chaverim, they located a black Dodge Charger operated by 18-year-old Abdiel Florez Perez, also of Lakewood.”

Further investigation by Detective Chase Messer resulted in charges against Perez for Impersonating a Law Enforcement Officer and Hindering his Apprehension. He also received a traffic summons for Unlicensed Driver. He was released pending a future court date.

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