UPDATE: Turning lanes at Cedarbridge/Clover intersection being redone due to mistake (PHOTO)

The road department this morning is correcting yesterday’s job at the intersection of Cedarbridge Avenue and Clover Street.

According to the plans, Clover Street was to have one left-turn lane and one right-turn lane. Mistakenly, the right lane was made into a left and right-turn lane.

The new turning lanes are expected to help alleviate traffic on Clover Street.

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  1. Are you kidding? I thought for sure when I read the title they made a mistake and going back cause they went to the right intersection but the wrong spot!! The turning lane needed is from cedar bridge turning onto clover not the other way around!…


  2. I actually thought our esteemed township realized they need a turning lane FROM cedarbridge TO clover.

    But that would be way too ahead of their time. Way too far.

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