UPDATE: Six Children Attacked by Fox in Lakewood, Police Say

Yesterday, TLS first reported about several children who were jumped and bitten by a fox in Lakewood.

Today, police say they have a reports of six children who were attacked.

At approximately 5:40pm on Tuesday, Officer Kyle Carrington responded to a Read Place home in reference to a child that was bitten by a fox earlier in the day. A mother reported that her child suffered the injury while playing at the John Street playground around 10am. The child was subsequently transported to a local hospital where he was treated and released.

At approximately 7:15pm, Officer Kevin Nickerson responded to a Rose Park Circle Home, (originally reported as Rosebank Street). Upon arrival he was advised that a fox had jumped on a child but no injury had occurred. The fox was unable to be located.

A short time later at approximately 7:30pm, Officer Sean Ward was dispatched to a Regal Court home in reference to a fox bite. Upon arrival, he was informed that three children were bitten while playing in their yard. Officer Ward advised the family to seek medical attention and contacted the Ocean County Health Department.

At approximately 9:40pm, Officer Felix Rivera was dispatched to a Center Street home in reference to a fox bite. Upon arrival learned that an eight-year-old had been bitten while playing on the John Street playground approximately three hours earlier.

“It is my understanding that the children are doing well, but we caution everyone that if they happen to spot a fox, please contact the Lakewood Police Department at 732-363-0200,” Detetctive Captain Greg Staffordsmith said. “Additionally, If you, or someone you know is bitten or injured please seek immediate emergency medical attention and then report the incident to us as soon a possible.”

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  1. Can the Lakewood Scoop please notify us when the fox is apprehended killed or captured so that we do not have to fear its presence in the area.

    • Ther are are foxes around Lakewood, especially the past few years. They are not a concern, just as all the other animals are not. it’s only if it has rabies. Otherwise, it will run away from you. It’s very hard to get a good picture of it, for that reason; they always run away.
      See: thelakewoodscoop.com/news/days-after-fox-attacks-in-lakewood-ochd-warns-of-potentially-dangerous-wildlife-encounters/

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