UPDATE: Route 9 Rail Repairs will also Affect Pedestrian Traffic

conrail rt 9 lakewood tlsThe NJDOT notified TLS today that the rail repairs on Route 9 taking place this weekend will also affect pedestrian traffic (as reported on our news alerts).

Pedestrians will not be able to walk on the tracks to avoid the project, the DOT said.

The closure will begin at 5 PM this evening, November 6, and reopen at 7 AM Sunday morning.

Conrail is replacing the rail crossing at Route 9 between John Street and Central Avenue.


Route #9 south bound – All traffic will be detoured west on Central Avenue to Cross Street and then back out to Route #9 south.


Route #9 north bound (Commercial Truck Traffic) will be detoured to Oak Street to New Hampshire Avenue to Cedarbridge Avenue to South Clifton Avenue onto Route #88 and back onto Route#9 North.

Route #9 north bound (Vehicular Traffic) will be detoured at Pine Street to New Hampshire Avenue to Cedarbridge Avenue to South Clifton Avenue to Route #88 and back onto Route #9 north.


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