As first reported on TLS, the Lakewood Fire District elections will no longer be held in February, after the Board of Fire Commissioners passed a resolution signing it into law.
On December 14, the Board of Fire Commissioners, Lakewood Township Fire District No. 1, voted to adopt a Resolution moving its annual Fire District election to the date of the general election.
The Resolution was passed in accordance with a state law enacted in 2017 but not effective until 2019, allowing fire districts to hold November elections.
As a result of this move, the terms of the Fire Commissioners will be changed to begin and end in December instead of March.
The Commissioners anticipate that this move will increase the turnout for the fire district elections as well as enhance public awareness and involvement with the issues confronting the fire district.
Another benefit of this change, is that the County Board of Elections will conduct the elections rather than the Fire District, resulting in significant savings to the Fire District as mail- in ballots and other costs of the elections will no longer be funded by the District.
“The Board’s decision considered these savings and the increase in voter participation as part of its firm commitment to the citizens of Lakewood and the transparency ofits operation of the Fire District,” the Board said.