[The following was submitted to TLS by R’ Meilech Bindiger] Dear All: 1) See report below from our leading attorney for Yoel Zev’s case. The prosecution b”h did not appeal. This proves that the acquittal was based on powerful reasoning, giving little or no chance for the prosecution to succeed in revoking the acquittal at the high court.
2) Please daven for Yakov Yosef be Reizel’s quick transfer to Israel. Feverish efforts to expedite the transfer procedure are ongoing – on several fronts – may Ha-shem help us fast.
3) I request whoever can type a letter of chizuk to Yakov Yosef, in Yiddish or Hebrew, should kindly do so without delay. A typed letter will be allowed into the prison quicker than a written one. Send your letters to [email protected]. We will forward these immediately by email to our representative in Chiba, Japan.
Thank you,
Meilech Bindinger
On behalf of Rabbi CYD Weis
And Aron Nezri
Dear all,
I would like to report you that the verdict declared by the Chiba District Court on August 29 has been fixed as final after passing by the deadline on September
12 without appeal action by prosecution.
Let us celebrate once again for this historical victory.
Please pass this report to Mr. Goldstein Yoel!
Attorney at Law
thank hashem & start doing teshuva & HASHEM will give hatzlacha to all the boys & klal yisroel
PSYCOLOGIST: Why don’t you spell psychologist correctly. Did you buy your degree in the Dollar store?
do you mind just fixing the title to say yaakov yosef thanks and iy”h we should only hear b’suros tovos
I once heard a great word in the name of the Opta Rov ztl. He said that the main theme in every parsha in the torah is “viahavta lireiacha kamocha”. Someone immediatley asked, Where do we find this theme in parshas Balak? The Rov answered, the word Balak itself is roshei teivis Viahavta Lireiacha komocha. To this, the man said ” Rebbi- komocha starts with a chof not a kuf”!? The Rov then answered ,”someone who is such a mifunik (so exact with everything) will never achieve the mida of Viahavta Lireiacha komocha”.
Let us try focus on the positive. Especialy when we are on this sensitive topic. May it be in the merit of us trying to see the good in everyone that Yaakov Yosef is finally brought home. Amen