Jackson Police Detective John Rodriguez recently completed his follow-up investigation to the bias incident involving a vehicle swerving at Jewish residents, and as a result of that investigation, the following complaints were signed:
The teenaged male driver who was initially charged with harassment and bias intimidation in the incident, was additionally charged with simple assault for an attempt by physical menace to put another in fear of imminent serious bodily injury. The matter will be forwarded to the Family Court.
Juvenile complaints were prepared charging a teenaged male passenger of the vehicle with bias intimidation and harassment. The matter will be forwarded to the Family Court.
An adult male passenger of the vehicle was charged with bias intimidation and harassment on a summons complaint.
He was in possession of a deadly weapon (the car) why cant he be charged as an adult
The victim can and should sue in civil court for assault which is an attempt or threat to inflict injury that places another person in fear of imminent bodily harm. Suing them for damages and making them pay money might prove to be a better deterrent of such anti-Semitic crimes in the future.