UPDATE: Lakewood Fire Department Announces Funeral Arrangements For Firefighter Qua’dry Lyons

Tonight, the Lakewood Fire Department announced the funeral arrangements for Firefighter Qua’dry Lyons, who tragically passed away last week.

Chief Yahr relayed the following to TLS:
“The arrangements for Firefighter Lyons have been set. A viewing service will be held on Monday, January 27th, at Ely Funeral Home (3316 Hwy 33, Neptune City).

  • Viewing: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  • Fireman’s Service: 11:30 a.m.
  • Service: 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.
  • Burial Services: Following at Monmouth Memorial Park (4201 Hwy 33, Tinton Falls.)”

Firefighter Lyons joined the Lakewood Fire Department as a volunteer firefighter in June 2023 and was hired as a full-time career firefighter in July 2024. He also served as a firefighter in several departments in Monmouth County prior to and during his time with the LFD.

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