UPDATE: Lakewood Boy Struck By Vehicle Monday Saved By Helmet, Family Says

The Lakewood boy who was hit by a car Monday while riding on a scooter is expected to be released later today, his family tells TLS.

The boy, who was crossing Route 9 when he was hit by a car, credits his helmet with saving his life.

“Baruch Hashem he was wearing his helmet which is likely what saved his life,” the boy’s mother told TLS.

He suffered 3 broken bones which required a nearly 2-hour surgery.


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  1. Parents should educate kids about bike and pedestrian rules and parents should know what their kids are doing and where their kids are at all times.

  2. A large percentage of parents here are practically children, there is no “parenting” or midos in Lakewood and that’s passed to the kids. Look at the driving, there’s no value for their own life or others and you expect a different outcome?

    • Before you write please look in & because what actually happened the boy was driving very safely with a helmet going to a store near his house and someone went very fast and went through a red light. So next time don’t say false gossip in the 3 weeks because that’s why the beis hamikdash was destroyed.

  3. If the kids are operating their scooter’s in a reckless manner, imagine how they’ll operate cars when the time comes. May Bore’ Olam watch over us.

    • Before you comment look at the facts the boy was driving safely and the car went through a red light so next time look in to what you say

  4. S and outsider looking in, please don’t comment like this on an entire community. I think you are the one who needs to look at your middos…..

  5. I’m on hatzaloh I was on scene and I know what happened and it’s true what
    Askin who knows what he is
    Saying said

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