UPDATE: Lakewood Board of Education Meeting: Summer Food Boxes to Begin Immediately, Pending Final Approval of State

During the special meeting of the Board of Education which ended moments ago, Attorney Michael Inzelbuch announced that the intention of the Board is to ensure all children, both private and non-public students, will receive food boxes throughout the summer.

Inzelbuch says they are awaiting final approval of the State, which they expect to receive today.

Once final written approval is give, the boxes will begin immediately.

Inzelbuch says all eligible children, ages 3-18 years of age, will receive a box per week, containing five days worth of meals.

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  1. Get ready for more inflation. These boxes are just making the distributor extremely wealthy. Would these distributors help pay for my increased tuition. I don’t think the value is there. I hope the distributors are happy with the millions made from the boxes while most of us struggle to make ends meet.

  2. That means fish sticks and chicken nuggets for 99% of us and millions of tax dollars for a few. Wouldn’t it be more cost effective and health effective to give EBT cards?

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