UPDATE: All Food Boxes with 10,000 Meals given out at Lakewood Public Schools; Program will offer 20,000 meals next week [VIDEO]

The boxes were completely gone in under two hours.

”A big thank you to the Board of Education and to all who assisted making today a great success,” said General Counsel Michael Inzelbuch.

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  1. Just wondering if a guy like me who pays taxes through my nose, and whose kids are all over 18, could also cash in some of this ridiculousness? I see the richest of the rich in my neighborhood coming home with these boxes that I paid for and I get nothing. It is sick and get sicker out there. And I didn’t even address the suppliers who are becoming rich from this craziness.

  2. Agreed with chaim! I have 5 children under the age of 18 and I do not plan to once again fill all my freezer and pantry space with food my family doesnt eat. So much bal tashchis …and so frustrating to tax payers

    • Very nice of you not to take if your not gonna eat it.
      “frustrating to tax payers”????
      I pay tons of taxes and are so happy the money is going to help others….
      Better your money go there than to where it usually goes!

  3. any way we can get food cards instead so we can buy the food our family eats? And save some of the tax money going to all people making money on boxes

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