The case of SCHI founder Rabbi Osher Eisemann can be decided as early as this week, when the new judge assigned to the case, Judge Joseph Paone, holds a hearing on the motion for a new trial.
At the hearing, scheduled for this Friday, Rabbi Eisemann’s lawyers will present oral arguments as to why the convictions should be thrown out and a new trial ordered.
They will assert that new evidence proves that Rabbi Eisemann is completely innocent of any crime, after a former bookkeeper came forward to testify that it was not Rabbi Eisemann who made the allegedly criminal activity, and that the entire transaction was a simple bookkeeping process. Rabbi Eisemann’s lawyers will also argue that the case must be tossed because the prosecutors hid important evidence during the trial, a flagrant violation of the Brady Act.
If the judge agrees with Rabbi Eisemann’s lawyers, he can rule to vacate the convictions, which will allow the prosecutors to go to a new trial on those two counts, if they should choose to do so. If the judge denies the motion, the case would go to resentencing, with the two convictions carrying up to 20 years in prison R”L. The judge can also decide to order additional hearings before issuing a decision.
Askanim involved in the case have shared that this hearing can be an extremely critical point in the case. They urge the public to continue to daven for Osher ben Chana Frumit.
Let’s daven that this man, who dedicated his entire life to help others, finally gets to focus his time on his holy work, free of any persecution and harassment.
People wonder why many doubt the justice department. This is a prime example. When prosecutors engage in underhanded tactics to go against the best of our society, it destroys the trust I have in their motives.
May Hashem bring a speedy and happy ending to this crazy saga!
I agree 100 percent.
Murphy is a Rasha for not having pardoned him already.