UPDATE: Driver who struck young cyclist in Lakewood turns himself in to Police after video is posted on TLS

The driver who struck a young cyclist in Lakewood last week and left the scene without calling police, has turned himself in – apparently the result of the video footage TLS posted of the incident.

The family tells TLS police came to their home to notify them that the driver had turned himself in and agreed to pay for his broken e-bike.

Information regarding charges wasn’t immediately available.

The driver’s plate was from Wisconsin, the family said.

The child Bentched Gomel on Shabbos.

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  1. i honestly didnt know that in all circumstances an individual needs to call police. yes-if he broke bike, he needs to give his contact info to party involved…but i learned something new today. (hope i never need to put to practice).

  2. Maybe take the video down for the driver’s sake, it sounds like he took responsibility. As other comments said he made sure the boy was ok.

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