Regarding the approximately 50 routes reassigned to other districts, the Board of Education attorney tells TLS, “I am told by the Monitor that Durham is able to continue 31 routes. Of the remaining 21, 8 were one ways and 13 will be put out to quote. Gus thinks there are companies in a position to pick them up.”
In response, Inzelbuch said, “Great, but I don’t understand how the State and district Administration (not the Board) could allow such actions to occur without taking action against Durham per contract. Penalties, fines, go after their Bond. Who is going to pay the difference?”
He continued, “Just like the Board did in 2012 against Negba and last year against Seman Tov….unless of course there are different standards for different vendors, those owned by large corporations and local owned businesses.”
But with Durham allegedly failing to honor contracts throughout the year, the question is why has the district kept the company.
“Wait a minute,” says Inzelbuch. “Why would the district want Durham at all at this point?? They have been allegedly failing to honor their contracts for most of the year when they failed to allegedly transport public school kids to the High School. What’s next ?”
Lastly, Inzebuch stated, “I have learned that at this point it looks like only, or primarily, non-public busing is affected by this latest outrage towards the kids, the Board, and the taxpayer – being stepped once again. It sounds like Nuremberg to me. Esav hates Yaakov, but I’m hoping the Board won’t allow this.”
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Cant you get the district to pay for the mandated routes that were picked up but not approved in December? What about us? No busses since SEPTEMBER!!!
You mean the BOE wasn’t aware of this earlier! I’ve got a Star in the Heavens to sell.
The saga continues. Mr. Inzelbuch presents many good points along with several questions as a attorney should do. I would like to hear some counterpoints/response to some of his questions otherwise it’s all one sided. Just because he says so, doesn’t mean it is so.
One of my kids hasn’t had bussing home the entire year! Furthermore, he’s over 5 miles away from home!
My kids have not been bussed the whole year. I am 3.5 miles each way from school. I am affected with multiple children from multiple schools. If there are other companies in position to pick up the cancelled routes, why didn’t the other companied pick up the mandated routes. Mandated routes should be picked up b4 courtesy routes are picked up. Especially now if there are bus companies with available busses priorities need to be set straight in Lakewood!! Pick up the state mandated students!!!
It’s very nice that there is aid in lieu of transportation. However, it’s not worth it. Please get us a bus for the hundreds of mandated eligible kids thay are many miles from school and still have not received a bus.
As far as routes that were never picked up the issue with those is as follows. The bus companies look at the routes & decide if they think they can make money on them & if yes they bid on it. If not they don’t bid on that route because obviously they don’t do this for fun. So if there’s a route that wasn’t picked up its because the bus companies don’t think they’ll make money on it. Either because it’s too spread out or other factors. You can’t just reassign them to other companies.