This morning’s blaze in Lakewood could have had a fatal outcome R”L, had it not been for working smoke alarms and the quick thinking of some.
TLS has learned that after the smoke alarms sounded shortly before 6 AM, some of the residents didn’t make much of it and went back to sleep – not realizing it was no false alarm.
An official tells TLS some of the residents said they woke up from the alarm, but went back to sleep, before being woken up by others in the home smelled smoke.
“Some of them went running around the home to wake everyone up,” the official said.
The home’s occupants made it out just minutes before the East End home went up in flames.
“They could have been trapped, and the outcome could have been unthinkable,” another official said.
A firefighter was quick to note the importance of keeping smoke alarms in working condition.
“We constantly hear reminders how important it is to have working smoke detectors, but it’s instances such as these that really show how it make a difference between life and death(R”L),” a firefighter said.
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Take this opportunity to check all the smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in your home to ensure they are in working order!!
And more importantly, when the alarm goes off, DON’T IGNORE IT!