Unlicensed Bachur Pulled Over Issued Three Summonses, Car Impounded

pulled overAt approximately 11:00 p.m. Thursday night, a Bachur, wishing to remain anonymous, made an illegal left turn from Madison onto Kennedy Blvd, with a 14 year old boy in the passenger seat. He was pulled over by the Police who asked for his License and registration. “I can give you the Registration but I don’t have a License” the 17 year old Bachur told the Police. “Why don’t you have a License”? asked the officer, to which he responded ” I never got around to getting one”. The Bachur was issued three summonses, including one for being unlicensed, one for an illegal left turn and one for expired registration. The car was impounded and the Bachur was given a ride back home by the officer. TLS spoke with the Bachur who said. ” I realize now what a stupid move it was” he told TLS.

We felt it necessary to publicize this story as a lesson to all teens out there. A car is a weapon. Using a weapon without a license, can prove to be fatal to yourself and those around you.

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  1. This is pretty lenient I would think he should sit in jail a few days at least. Isn’t it a crime. I think this story will make teens not be so scared.

  2. Imagine if he was hispanic. We would all be saying send him back to mexico. But this we say what a typical thing poor teenage boy made mistake. If we want respect from the cops we need to act respectful and obey the laws and not expect special treatment.

  3. Imagine if he was hispanic. We would all be saying send him back to mexico. But this we say what a typical thing poor teenage boy made mistake. If we want respect from the cops we need to act respectful and obey the laws and not expect special treatment. But now next time a mexican runs into your car and has no license or insurance and the cop says he can’t do nothing you can’t say anything.

  4. I am a lakewood bochur 18yrs old and i did the same thing as my parents refused to allow me to get a license. I can tell you that it’s a very common thing among us bochurim. i got a license recently behind my parents back, so i should’t get into legal trouble. R’ Chaim Kanievsky recently told an unlicensed bochur he’s a ROTZEICH, There4 parents MUST realize the responsibility of denying their kids their legal rights.

  5. he deserves everything that he got if you break the law u deserved to get punished and besides for the fact that its very dangerous to drive when u dont know how to ot at least if you are going to drive without a license at least dont break the law

  6. this is y parents and yeshivas should allow u to get a license as soon as u r able to, because every teenager likes to drive and not giving him a license will just cause him to drive without one

  7. Not having a license is not what actually causes accidents. Driving carelessly is what causes the accident. True, having a license presupposes that you have been trained to drive carefully, which leaves me with a difficult kushya: if this supposition is true, then either a) many, many people in Lakewood are driving without licenses, because they sure don’t drive like they’re trained or b) having a license does not necessarily mean you know how to drive at all.

  8. You my friend are not an x judge.

    While I certainly don’t mind hearing your opinions as a lay person, please do not post as an “x judge” -a position that you never had.
     New jerseys traffic laws are quite strict in it’s own right. If you are caught without a license a Judge may fine you 500.00 or place you in the county jail for 60 days. 

    In other words, Bochurim, it is not worth it.  

    Although the severity of this young mans offense should not be undermined in any way, I must say that I am impressed from this young bochurs actions AFTER THE FACT. 

     I highly commend this mature young man who made a mistake and was honest with himself; with the officer and with the entire kehilla.

    This bochur owned up to his actions and made it a point to warn his friends about the dangers of driving without a license. Kol Hakovod.  

  9. No big deal! I’ve seen it many times.. You just go to court and you say “No habla English” you get an interpreter, and a pair of $100 fines and your on your way!

  10. To # 19. why are you impressed with this bachur . He did a terrible thing and you are commending him? He only acted the way he did because he got caught with his pants down . What did u expect him to say that he left his license at home? Get real! its people like you who play down things of this nature and shtoop it under the rug like many other issues in this eer hakodesh. Call a spade a spade for a change . WHAT THIS BACHR DID IS A TERRIBLE AND DANGEROUS THING AND DOES NOT DESERVE TO BE COMMENDED IN ANYWAY. im surprised the roshey yeshiva dont address this isssue because apparently its a common problem and almost a given that bochrim drive around with out licences

  11. to no 19 the only time you can get a 500 fine is if it is a suspended liscence if you never had one there is not a 500 fine for a first offense. I dont believe there is jail time for a first offense even for suspended liscense. Btw suspended registration is the same law.People have to be careful as sometimes they accidently dont pay a ticket and that can cause a suspended liscense

  12. I would love for this Bachur to go for a ride along with me. I can show him that while he feels he has no regard for the law, he has no regard for the lives of his pssenger-14 years old, and all the law abiding citizens around him. I can show him the effects and after effects unlicensed drivers have on the community services. He chose to drive without a license without a care in the world-he didn’t think about the officer who pulled him over that is now not available to answer a serious call for help-for which he may have been the closest unit. He did not think about the Chillul Hashem he made not only by his actions, but also by his potential actions-If he C”S crashed his car-the lives he immediately impated plus his parents lives who are legally liable for his actions-how cool would he think it is to not only lose the chance at getting a license till 21, but being responsible for for his parents loosing their home. Without a thought of Ushmartem Es Nafshosechem-he deserves a lot more than 3 tickets. Over my 20 years as an EMT and Chief of numerous EMS and Rescue organizations, I have seen countless live taken by the stupidity and selfishness of unlicensed drivers. You take the ambulance, police, fire and hospital away from patients who really need it. You and some of the posters really need a shock of reality-so I invite you to see how many lives you impact-one trip to a serious extrication MVA caused by people like you who do not care about anyone but yourselves or we can see the bodies in the morgue-where you will end up shortly if you keep this up.

  13. hey # 22 relax # 19 is a 100% correct this kid stood up for himself and said he was wrong. who is shoving what under the rug, no body but uuuu. grow up and get a life

  14. by not allowing him to get a license until he’s 21 he will most probably end up driving without a license again because 4 years is a long time to wait to get a license therefore that doesn’t seem like a constructive punishment

  15. Please re-read my post.
    I commended the bochur AFTER THE FACT. I specifically stated that: “the severity of this youngs mans offense should not be undermined in any way”. 

    Reading comprehension is critical. 

    I stand by what I said 100%. 

    This boy should be commended for realizing the errors of his way and advising others not to what he did.  

    By the way, Mr. Askan, how many adults do you know that get tickets and give excuse after excuse even though their actions are completely careless. This bochur can give many of those adults a lesson in maturity. 

    This bochur did not give excuses. On the contrary, he was apollogetic, and said, what I did was “stupid”. 

    What a breath of fresh air. I commended his contrition; not his original action of driving without a license.

    Gut voch.

  16. vehicle impounded???? true the kid was 100% wrong but since when does LPD impound for unlicensed driver? about 75% or more the mexicans driving in lakewood are unlicensed and what happens when they are pulled over about 90% of the time the officer will have his vehicle parked on the side of the road awaiting a licensed amigo to show up.
    i wonder why.

  17. to # 8:
    Ask R’ Kanievsky if the Chiyuv of Kibud Av ends at age 18….
    Maybe your parents are a little smarter than you and know what an immature brat you are.

  18. Everyone here should think a little bit first to set an example for everyone else this kid should get a severe punishment to deter others from doing this second all you idiots who say this kid is is brave and stood up for himself is also pathetic just because the jews in this town think they could run the place doesn’t mean that no jew should get in trouble if you drive without a license you should get the appropriate punishment or else all the teens in this town are gonna continue stealing cars smoking weed stealing and driving without a license because they can get away with it. Sometimes I wonder how this town is still around with all the immature stupid people.

  19. You should use another name. Not “think” 

    Point 1. nobody called this kid “brave”. He was not brave. He was commended by one poster for owning up to his MISTAKE   He got caught. And he will have to go to COURT and PAY for hIs actions. And so he should. 

     He was commended for his contrition; not his action of driving without a license.  

     Point 2. All residents in Lakewood are treated equally in Court. Your statement is both prejudical and false.  Shame on you.

    Point 3. This boy realized the error of his ways and called driving without a license “stupid”. You on the other hand disparaged an entire community.  Why?

    Will you be man enough to apologize for your post @6:28?
    If not, it would behoove you to take some lessons from the boy who drove without a license. He called his actions “stupid”. And rightfully so. His action was stupid. Now, be honest with yourself, what do you call your hatefull comment?        

  20. Based on the outrageous number of banged up cars, accidents, near misses and just sheer stupidity of most of the Lakewood drivers, sometimes it seems most of the population “never got around” to getting a license!

  21. As someone mentioned, R’ Chaim Kanievsky recently said that someone who drives without a license is a rotzeach. So, people say, the parents should let their kids get licenses, and not hold them back.
    It’s a parent’s responsibility to know when their child is ready to drive. If your parents don’t let you get a license, they must feel you’re not ready yet. In this case, they were obviously right, as he couldn’t follow traffic laws. Another issue is the cost of insurance. Will the 17 year old kid pay the extra thousand dollars a year it costs for the insurance when he/she gets a license? Probably not.

  22. Saying stupid is not commendable . Any 2 year old knows that word. Going around from yeshiva to yeshivas and presenting himself as the one who drove with out a license sounds more like a boy who is serious about what he did, like the spika rebbe did after his episode . Anyone can say stupid because it costs him nothing and quite frankly what should he have said? That it was a stupid cop? or should he havbe said oh i lost it? so of course he fessed up because he got caught wioth his pants down .

  23. everyone should chill out alittle it was nothing so terrible what this bochur from ********** did . it was a one time thing usualy he drives with a licensed driver and for the record the bochur has a permit . and alot oif bochrim with permits who do not have licenses drive in lakewood thats the way its always been it is very common in Lakewood . but i do agree it is better to wait till you get licenses but lets not make this into such a serious thing.

  24. #42 i was the one you mentioned and as i said i have a license and i took 3hrs drivers ed and i know how to drive very well; but my parents consider themselves to frum to let their son drive. they’re lucky i didn’t get caught bec it would’ve been an expensive story…

  25. What do you expect boys to do if they want to get around town.

    I grew up in brooklyn, if I wanted to get around I had 2 very good options.

    1. Bikeride
    2. Citybus

    Neither is an option in Lakewood as it stands now.

    So boys hitch or get a liscence.

    When is that bus service supposed to start in lakewood?

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