Underage Bachurim Attempting To Purchase Alcohol, Detained By Police

spirits_storeTwo Bachurim attempting to purchase alcohol on Friday, were detained by Police, sources tell TLS. The Bachurim, both aged 16, walked into the Spirits Liquor Store on Madison Avenue and when attempting to purchase alcohol, were told it was illegal and asked to leave the store. The Bachurim, not taking no for an answer, then approached several customers outside the store to purchase alcohol for them.

At that point, the store owner phoned the police.

Police arrived and detained the out-of-town Bachurim – both with Provisional Licenses handed to Police – until Askonim, and those responsible for them, arrived.

A short time later, the Bachurim were released, but not before given a stern warning.

Police warned that if any Bachurim attempted to engage in this illegal activity in the future, serious consequences would follow. TLS-CCP/TLS-89/TLS-HM.

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  1. Yiddishe stores won’t do it either. They don’t want to lose their licenses or get in trouble with the law either. These kids are downright crazy. There’s a definite problem with the youth of this generation.

  2. Why should you only support jewish stores?? Do you live in the United States or Israel? How would you like it if all the non jews would only patronize non jewish stores?? How about the “no jews allowed” signs?? I learn new things about the Orthodox every day and am amazed at the attiudes that you guys show!

  3. I never said Jewish stores would sell alcohol to minors, all i said was a jewish store would never call PD on a minor.
    We all remeber how this establishment snitched on the former “Wine in shtiebel” and got the owner in trouble. I believe at that time there was a public understanding that none of us would be shopping there.

  4. To #7 what do you mean comparable prices and service?? should they sell at cost just for a public service????? Have you ever thought why spirits sells so cheap……… Is to get ppl like you to go in and undermine the jewish business…….

  5. Anyone buying alcohol or Cigarettes for underage teens is a Rotsayach.

    Same applies for those providing these kids alcohol on Simchas Torah and Purim.

  6. Kudos to the store owner for reporting this to the police. Your sons and daughters want to drink and smoke? Did u ever ask them why??
    Who is setting the example for them?? My suggestion is: Spend some quality time with them. Sit down in the back yard with a six pack and some ciggies and keep feeding it to them till they are sick and puking. It’ll be awhile b4 they want more.

  7. Last Friday night, there were bochurim walking down Miller Road shicker. Huge Chillul Hashem and of course dangerous! Hopefully such behavior will not be justified. Purim is another story, but we’re a long time away from that.

  8. I am a member of the orthodox community. I will shop at whatever store has the best prices, selection and customer service. Sometimes it is a jewish owned store, sometimes it is not. I agree that it is a disgrace that living in america there are those with that kind of attitude. Just keep in mind there are certain things that must be purchased at a jewish owned store, such as kosher fast food, modest clothing, judaic items, etc

  9. I don’t know why this is a featured story or why it is news at all.
    Teenagers (including Frum) have been doing this ever since their was an age requirement.

  10. It’s encouraging to see that most posters have their priorities right and their heads screwed on straight regarding this issue. Some of the other comments here – notably #19 – are specious, thoughtless and off topic. How does this very tragic and serious issue become a forum on patronizing Jewish owned vs. non-Jewish owned stores?! You are completely missing the point – we, as a kehillah, have a very serious problem on our hands! Do you realize these kids are going to have criminal records now (yes #12, attempts by minors – OR THOSE MORON ADULTS ASSISTING THEM – to buy alcohol or cigarettes is a misdemeanor)?! Also, alcoholism is on a precipitous rise – yes people, there are members of our kehillah, including fathers and husbands, who are actually in rehab – and very little is being done to proactively combat it. There is, rather, a “stick your head in the sand” approach on the part of those “achroi” and able to effectively address this issue. And this doesn’t even BEGIN to scratch the surface of what is going on amongst teenagers – and yes, again I hate to disilussion those ostrich wannabes amongst us, but the sad fact is that this is prevalant even in the mesivtah and beis medrash Yeshivah population – where alcoholism is a FACT and a clear and present danger. L’maan Hashem, the two kids (sixteen years old!?!?) here are “out-of-town yeshivah bochurim”!!!! And they’re just the tip of the iceberg!!! Wake up people!!!

  11. the non Jews have to understand that most business in the orthodox jewish community are religious in nature seforim stores/soferim for tefillin/kosher meat stores/kosher food so obviously most of our customers 98% will be orthodox Jews so we benefit if the money stay in our community.

  12. the worst are people that have these fat partys friday night with a bunch of underage bochrim all drunk till like 2 am with gossip and lashon hara spoken by the table wtih a bunch of farbisener balay batim geting these yong guys drunk to get out Information from them this is their unique
    way of interrogation

  13. Farvuss muz yeder shreibben azoi vi er volt geret in Mikvah, befrat az mer benei Noiach leinen di blog vi benei Avrohom. Un agav s’dah a mefurasha mitzvah oistzuhalten shoimrei Toirah, ubber lomer der inyan lozzen far andereh pletzer (vi der mikvah takkeh)

  14. its about time the maybe now they’ll learn a lesson i myself was approached on numerous occasions by underage boys and was asked to buy them alcohol (of course i said no)kide are so stupid

  15. Why is everyone so ashamed of saying openly that they support other Jews. Anyone, from any culture, can understand that people will want to shop and support friends of theirs that have a particular business. Similarly, people will want to shop by other members of their local community, church, mosque, or even gym. Just take it one step further, the Jews like to shop by other Jews- to show solidarity. Jews view themselves as one large community, and should be proud to say it. (Maybe if the Jews would be a tad more friendly to each other and say a “hello or good morning” when they see each other on the street, we/they would feel more connected as one large group)

  16. ur all a bunch of hypocrytes u all did the samething wen u were 16 theres no prob with drinking a little and having a good time if they asked me i wud of bought it for them no prob and wud of made a lchaim with them lkovod shabbos

  17. this is aweful. and it’s not just the fact that these kids want alcohol. it’s also the fact that they need to realize is it really worth it to get in trouble to get what you want. honestly ask yourself this question. what is more worth it? that i should get arrested for trying to get alcohol or is it more worth it to do the right thing and stay out of trouble? it’s a serious question to ask with a serious answer. do the right thing and don’t do harm to yourself.

  18. People need to realize that if you buy alcohol or cigarettes for minors you can be arrested is that what you really want? You can’t keep thumbing your nose at the law without some serious consequences. And if by chance these kids get drunk and get behind the wheel of a car and kill someone then what???? Are you gonna shrug your shoulder’s then and say no big deal?
    #34, if you buy alcohol for these minors then you need to be ashamed of yourself, how would you feel if someone bought your child alcohol they got drunk and decided to get behind the wheel of a car and hurt themselves or someone else will you still say no big deal?

  19. To #34 and #35:

    To address your charge of hypocrisy; from an extremely superficial perspective you are absolutely correct, but then again “mi tzadik baaretz asher yaaseh tov v’lo yechtah”? Does someone acting imprudently as a youth pasul them from becoming a very efective parent, mechanech etc…as a reponsible adult? Remember, “ein chacham k’baal hanisayon”. That is a terribly immature – and dangerously irresponsible – argument.

    Secondly, believe it or not, I’m in agreement with you on your other point. In a controlled environment with a responsible adult enforcing reasonable limits, there is nothing wrong with bachurim making a couple of L’Chaims at a Shabbos seudah. The problem is bochurim bringing alcohol back to their dormitories/apartments and doing whatever they want, without any limiting factors. THAT is called alcohol abuse, drunken behavior, “hoilius”, “kalus roish” – call it what you will – but it has NOTHING to do with being m’chabed Shabbos; it’s escapism or taavah, take your pick. And as mentioned previously (see comment #26) it is a problem in the “frum adult” community as well.

    And as I wrote in comment 26: this is a major, kehillah wide problem that – for the most part – is hushed up and swept under the rug. It is time that it be aggresively addressed, and hopefully this story gains some pirsum and provides the impetus required that it happen.

  20. I happen to have met Tony, the owner of spirits a number of times over the years and he is an upstanding fellow who runs a clean, and first-rate business.
    He follows the law to the letter and therefore should be commended for it.

  21. Does any one really believe that there exists a teenager in this world who has never tasted or tried to buy alchohol, and poof at age 21 has his first drink legally

  22. Hey. If you don’t like what the S.U store staff did, you have the prerogative of shopping elsewhere. I personally wouldn’t set foot in that store myself.

    It saddens me that there are some of our Bochurim busy with destructive behavior instead of being productive.

  23. whats wrong with drinking, as long as you’re not driving and not hurting anyone, and not influencing anyone else to drink

    if u think its bad for u then dont drink it

  24. Drinking AND smoking are NOT cool. And they can kill you! Or C”V others around you if you get in a car or second hand smoke. So if you think to yourself- “it’s MY life”…think again!

  25. If anyone would like to comment on posts #27 and #41…? I’d love to get some conversation and debate going on the REAL issue here…. Please, try to keep to a basic modicum of intelligence with your commentary. Thanks!

  26. I’m not denying the fact that they did something wrong but they are teenagers and I dont believe they tried to buy first then they asked somebody to by for them

  27. I think the reason some bochurim need to buy a bottle & get smashed is not for the sake of getting smashed rather it’s an out let therefor I think if ppl would open there houses for bochurim & give them the “alchohol they need”( a couple shots) I think that would definitely calm the problem cuz in the bochurim world they r always looking for a “drinking meal” , when they can’t get that , that’s when the problem arrises. So baal batim please stop critisizing and maybe try to have an effect on the situation in one way or another ( w/o critisism) thanks for understanding and l’chaim !

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