Unassuming Missionary Material being Mailed to Lakewood Residents

sid rothPHOTO: Missionary material is once again being mailed to local residents, but this time in an unassuming way.

Unlike previous mailings, the book, pictured, doesn’t immediately give off the impression that it contains the type of material it does.

Some residents tell TLS they inadvertently began reading it but then threw it out upon discovering its contents.


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  1. The adjective “unassuming” means modest,self effacing or humble. Perhaps you mean “disguised”, “veiled”, “vague” or “camouflaged” for the manner in which the material arrives and initially misleads the readers?

  2. i got this article in the mail today. and i knew to threw it out. thank you to TLC for notifying the public and bring awareness. i knew right away to discard it immediately . its very dangerous for the soul

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