Two juveniles are in custody after stealing a car and attempting to dump it in the lake, police told TLS.
While patrolling early this morning, officers spotted the 13 and 15-year-olds on the North Lake beach attempting to drive a vehicle into Lake Carasaljo.
Upon questioning, police discovered the kids had stolen the vehicle from West Gate and were planning on ditching it in the lake.
Both suspects were arrested, and taken to police headquarters. They were subsequently released on a summons.
This comes just one day after the stabbing incident, which prompted a crackdown in the area.
why release them? i dont know details but i know these guys need to locked up for a very long time!
Because stealing a car does not get you 20 years in jail, especially if you are a minor. They received a summons, they didn’t get off scot free.
How many decades in jail would you give a 13 year old?
I agree. But thats only for stealing a car once. when it becomes a habit you then have to see what other behaviors are present, are they a threat? Are they violent?
The answers to these questions will be the answer to yours.
Agreed they need more help than these (ugly comments from this post and the last) can get them! It鈥檚 kids in pain 馃檨
Im in pain! they distroyed my neighborhood
and when they stab?
Kids in pain need consequences. i don’t care how much pain they carry. Most inmates carry a lot of pain. So they shouldn’t be in jail?
Where are our Rabbanim? Where are our Askonim? Something has to be done about these children we have to take care of them and set them on the right path. If it’s too late then send them out of Lakewood.
Lol, what makes you think they arent involved?
Are you na茂ve enough to believe that there is a solution to every problem? Yes, apparently.
You think “well no one is ‘taking care’ of this” must be no one is trying. Thats just plain foolish.
So please, stop blaming others for things that arent in their control.
Again, I will reiterate my point, that schnitzel sandwiches can and will solve all our problems with at risk teens.
Yes, and because the rabbanim and askanim are so involved, that’s why there aren’t a mountain more such problems! But let us al get involved little bit more! (Maybe shnitzel sandwiches – and a good conversation and friendliness!:)
I actually spoke with the leader of their parish.
I am hopeful their confession will set things rights.
Kids these days…
They are not in custody…they were already released with a simple summons! Obviously the police presence talked about yesterday did not stop this gang. Who is taking responsibility for the release when an innocent person is held up or stabbed or worse CV
By these disturbed boys??
Please get them off the street!!
It鈥檚 crazy these kids No nothing is being done that鈥檚 why they do what they want if you鈥檙e a criminal, they should treat them like one they just keep letting them go again and again.
We’ve had 20 years of education with compassion empathy validation also very sophisticated, the modern Way. These are the results. Maybe a change of tact and direction is called for.
讘拽砖专 诇讚专砖讛 讻讬 诇讗 讗诪专 讚讜讚 “讛诇诇讜讬讛” 注讚 砖专讗讛 讘诪驻诇转诐 砖诇 专砖注讬诐, 诪住讜驻专: 讛谞讛讜 讘专讬讜谞讬 讚讛讜讜 讘砖讘讘讜转讬讛 [讗讜转诐 讘专讬讜谞讬诐 砖讛讬讜 讘砖讻谞讜转讜] 砖诇 专’ 诪讗讬专 讜讛讜讜 拽讗 诪爪注专讜 诇讬讛 讟讜讘讗 [讜讛讬讜 诪爪注专讬诐 讗讜转讜 讛专讘讛]. 讛讜讛 拽讗 讘注讬 [讛讬讛 诪讘拽砖] 专’ 诪讗讬专 专讞诪讬 注诇讜讬讛讜 [专讞诪讬诐 注诇讬讛诐] 讻讬 讛讬讻讬 讚诇讬诪讜转讜 [砖讬诪讜转讜]. 讗诪专讛 诇讬讛 [诇讜] 诇专’ 诪讗讬专 讘专讜专讬讗 讚讘讬转讛讜 [讗砖转讜]: 诪讗讬 [诪讛] 讚注转讱, 注诇 诪讛 住讜诪讱 讗转讛 讘转驻讬诇讛 讝讜 砖讬诪讜转讜 讛讘专讬讜谞讬诐 诪砖讜诐 讚讻转讬讘 [砖谞讗诪专]: “讬转诪讜 讞讟讗讬诐 诪谉 讛讗专抓” (转讛诇讬诐 拽讚, 诇讛), 讜住讘讜专 讗转讛 讻讬 讟讜讘 诇注讜诇诐 讘讻诇讬讜谉 讛专砖注讬诐, 讜讗讜诇诐 诪讬 讻转讬讘 [讛讗诐 谞讗诪专] “讬转诪讜 讞讜讟讗讬诐”? 讜讛诇讗 “讬转诪讜 讞讟讗讬诐” 讻转讬讘 [谞讗诪专], 讜讬砖 诇讛转驻诇诇 诇讻诇讬讜谞讛 砖诇 讛专讬砖注讜转 讜诇讗 砖诇 讛专砖注. 讜注讜讚, 砖驻讬诇 诇住讬驻讬讛 讚拽专讗 [专讚, 讛诪砖讱 诇住讜驻讜 砖诇 讛驻住讜拽] 砖谞讗诪专 砖诐 “讜专砖注讬诐 注讜讚 讗讬谞诐”, 讻讬讜谉 砖”讬转诪讜 讞讟讗讬诐” 诪讻讗谉 讜讛诇讗讛 讻讬爪讚 讗驻砖专 讬讛讗 砖”专砖注讬诐 注讜讚 讗讬谞诐”, 讻诇讜诪专, 砖讗讬谞诐 注讜讚 专砖注讬诐? 讗诇讗 讘注讬 专讞诪讬 注诇讜讬讛讜 讚诇讛讚专讜 [讘拽砖 专讞诪讬诐 注诇讬讛诐 砖讬讞讝专讜] 讘转砖讜讘讛, 讜诪诪讬诇讗 讬转拽讬讬诐 “讜专砖注讬诐 注讜讚 讗讬谞诐”. 专讗讛 专’ 诪讗讬专 爪讚拽转 讚讘专讬 讘专讜专讬讛 讜讘注讗 专讞诪讬 注诇讜讬讛讜, 讜讛讚专讜 [讘讬拽砖 专讞诪讬诐 注诇讬讛诐, 讜讞讝专讜] 讘转砖讜讘讛” (讘专讻讜转 讬,讗).
Why no emergency meeting with the roshei yeshivos and rabanim shlit”a. This is out of hand!!!!
There actually was a meeting, I don’t think every random commentator on TLS was invited though.
Now is not the time for meetings, obviously there was a need for a meeting 20 years ago….. Which didn’t happen. Sadly now it’s the sheriff which needs to take charge… The rabbis mechanchim etc Had their chance and failed…..
Why do you say so? They were successful 99.999%, and the .001% is getting the tumult!
Also note, if everyone ate healthfully etc, 99.999% of health issues wouldn’t exist but this was not known years ago, mostly thanks to Big Pharma which is the biggest business in the US.
What should/do you want the roshi yeshiva to do about this?
oh no. you’re all wrong! cant we admit how much better public school education is than ours? ask the NY board of education; they have all the answers
And they don’t have any crime?!?! You must have meant this tongue-in-cheek.
Also, they’re not teaching Torah and Mitzvos; they teach hefkeirus, tumah, and who knows what else. They may have a fairly well-ironed system that scares people out of doing crime, but what type of life are they being taught? We teach Torah and mitzvos and chessed, and such problems are virtually unheard of – that’s why they’re making headlines here!
(We respect all human beings, but why add pressure. Also, your comments on the first story seemed to imply that you couldn’t fathom Yidden being involved in any crime?!)
It’s only a matter of time before these degenerates rape a girl. I no longer allow my girls out after dark in Westgate. It’s a disaster waiting to happen.
Did you just assume the gender of these car thiefs? The story doesn’t tell us if they are male or female or one of each or neither.
I know their names. And they are teen boys.
Relax buddy.
I guess the free cholent didn’t work.
Police, please put ankle tracking devices on these youth, and put them under house arrest each evening if the curfew doesn’t keep them home.
It’s so nice that these fine bochurim wanted to dunk someone’s car in the mikvah before Rosh Hashanah but can someone please tell them that today’s modern vehicles don’t require to be toivled
Teslas do, they’re trying to come up with a filter for their built-in internet!:)
Also see the video ‘the shvitzer’ by Project Inspire for more about things that do or do not need toiveling! (about kiruv – good humor!)
OVI charges require all of the prodessional tricks used in criminal defense court rooms. protecting a OVI is initiated with determining not any of your rights on the constitution are abused. When a police officer is in direct contact with you, while they are basically the only witnesses most of the time, the expert communication and procedural conduct is of the substance. some of us all create mis haps, and the law are no exception. The event begins when reasonable suspicion which will lead to obvious cause. An example, someone gets flashed over for driving too slow at 3 a.m.. The police officer takes reasonable suspicion that someone has created a traffic offense, racing. then, as the police tries to start eye connection or steps in towards your vehicle, the officer will utter you exhibit red eyes, or there is an odor of beer. This raises the acceptabel intuition of recklessness to providing the officer a fact that you is crusing around while intoxicated. eighty% of cops will say odor of alcohol, watery eyes, or sloppy talk. The police may also say you are fumbling around getting your drivers license and registration in your hand. Now someone is likely commanded to step out of a automobile and do standardized physical sobriety tests. These are SFST鈥檚 are taught under NHTSA (National road Traffic Safety Administration) regulations and need to be followed per instance. If you do perform the tests, the police officer can make mistakes which will make the test, or tests disregarded from evidence. Factors such as physical impairments and the best situational conditions can be factored into results of your test. (example: a person can鈥檛 perform a hop on one leg and pivot check on uneven sidwalk). A person will also take a breathalyzer test. There are mistakes in these machines also, and they are technolgo that need maintenance and specialized training on every day. The incarceration is captured at the instance the officer activates their lights. It is through this captured footage we are able to secure an experienced idea if the officer administration of the tests, to the clients performance taking the tests. If you give an OK to the tests or not, you usually will go to big house. If you have been arrested for Driving under the inflence or any criminal charges or know some one who needs a criminal defense Lawyer check out my info rgiht here
An Adam gadol once said, the best thing to do for these kids is to have them in mind when we daven the bracha of Hashiveinu
maybe someone had a school for them? a job for them? a therapist? an idea how to make them feel good, interested, motivated, and accomplished?
self worth?
where is the Board of ED? the State? the Fed? where are the programs to help when and where help is needed?
A probation office may work better than a therapist for these kids
Emes! but that doesnt mean you dont impose regular justice and safety measures to stop criminal activity.
This halacha is telling us the approach we must have to the tragedy of what is occurring. Not saying we should allow for it to continue. See DE”R perek 5, the story with Rabbi Yehoshua and the ganav
Many of these comments are very spiteful. Clearly something needs to be done. However, as you post please remember there’s a yiddishe mama somewhere in absolute agony over her child. And if he’s 13!!! Clearly help is needed and we need to Daven that the right people get involved and can reach these kids. No. A 13 yr old needs intervention and rehab of sorts, not jail.
My heart breaks for the families of these kids.
1000% Thank you for saying this.
Maybe it was in self-defense
The kids who are KNOWN to have vandalized homes, stolen cars and openly committed armed robbery? You’ll give those kids the assumption of innocence? Do you realize that we know who they are and the crimes they constantly have been committing?
I dare you to park your car or walk your family anywhere near their homes. And I have their addresses, if you need more details.
I know that if I need to walk those streets, I must bring a weapon. And I know many neighbors who feel the same.
Stop deluding your community into an oblivious sense of safety.
I know from experience parents can鈥檛 make them get help unless they want it must be court mandated the court system is not doing enough. These kids are getting away with everything no one says jail, but they need to get scared straight they can鈥檛 get let off that doesn鈥檛 help them
Yes, there are lesson to learn from Ben Sorer Umoreh. it is interesting that Chaza”l say that there never was nor will ever be one. But I heard a great vort in a shiur from the Chof-K here in Lakewood, years ago (he was mentioning about how treif foods are metamtem halev). Chaza”l say ‘why was the parsha of ben sorer umoreh written if it will never happpen? They answer: Learn it and get sechar’. The Marsh”a asks, is it simply a mitzvah to learn something that has no halacha lemaaseh?! He answers that while the actual Ben Sorer Umoreh will never happen, however, by studying the matter, one will learn many points in chinuch.
If everyone can just think for one moment, if this was my child, my relative would i say the same comments.
Probably not! You would probably be in tears reading all these comments. Noone can judge or point fingers at anyone for you boruch hashem are not going through the pain, the hurt, the pointing of fingers, and especially the remarks that people give these parents.
The parents are in terrible pain. They are suffering . They don’t sleep at night. Everytime the phone rings their heart jumps a beat. Is this the phone call that I and my children will have to sit Shiva for?
So until you are Chas vshalom in the parent shoes. Do Not judge.
You may say oh my child is the best. I brought up my children like tzadikim I’m from a family of rosh yeshivas this would never happen to me. These children were brought up like tzadikim.
We need to give tremendous LOVE to our children and hope and daven that they remain close to Hashem and that they keep shabbos. While your davening to Hashem For your children Daven For these Lost Children. Daven for their Parents to have strength and never give up.
I daven for those parents. But I also fear for my family’s life! The trauma my kids experience, living with bullies, burglars, bike thieves, car thieves, vandals, etc right down the block!!! Have rachmonus on us!
p.s. I don’t mean anything on anyone, I’m just saying over this vort in response to the above commentator, and if it helps in any way, a zechus
Let us just remember that these things are extremely uncommon by us, and that’s why it’s making waves. In other places, there can be a large slew of terrible crimes in a short span, and they’re hardly even reported. Mi Ke’amcha Yisroel!