Two Frum Firefighters Graduate Fire Academy

Two Frum Lakewood residents were among the graduates at the Monmouth County Fire Academy last night. After about 6 months of training at the academy, David Wolf and Uri Halle, have now become full fledged volunteer firefighters for the Lakewood Fire Department.

The graduates will be joining Stations 65 and 66, respectively.

There are several other Frum volunteer firefighters in Lakewood, including Joe Mutterperl, Yaakov Fisgus, David Mizrahi, Yehud Beer and Meir Simcha Cohen. TLS.

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  1. Congratulations to them and to all the other graduates, regardless of religion who are putting their lives at risk for the well being of the residents of Lakewood.

  2. Just as an aside, many others graduated in this class too, I know full well this is a frum site, but it wouldn’t hurt to let your readers know others that joined, and went thru the training as it is nice to be honored. Additionally I wish the new members and all others in the department many safe and enjoyable years of service.

  3. mazel tov, uri, and all the rest of the volunteers.. we on laurelwood avenue are glad to know that we have such an able neighbor in our midst!! s

  4. These 2 were the only graduates from Lakewood fire companies, so don’t worry about neglecting to mention the others. This is a LAKEWOOD site, so they can get away with not mentioning graduates from other cities.

  5. These 2 were the only graduates from Lakewood fire companies, so don’t worry about neglecting to mention the others. This is a LAKEWOOD site, so they can get away with not mentioning graduates from other cities.

  6. to our 2 new firefighters & there families ,my best wishes for staying save .You all can be very proud and we all are lucky to have you to keep us save ,thank you

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