Two Charged with Robbery, Assault, and Theft in Toms River

Two people were charged in connection with a robbery in Toms River, police say.

On Sunday September 17, at approximately 2:00 AM, Toms River Police were called to a restaurant on Route 37 East for a report of an injured male. Upon their arrival, the victim told them that he had been in the restroom washing his hands when he was assaulted by two males.

The males then took his car keys and left in his vehicle which was parked in the parking lot.

The 25-year-old male victim was transported to Community Medical Center for treatment of his injuries.

The victim’s vehicle was located in Barnegat Township by the Barnegat Township Police.

The investigation led to the arrest of Michael Fischkelta, 18 of Barnegat Township and a 17-year-old male from Barnegat Township. Mr. Fischkelta was charged with robbery, simple assault and theft, and was transported to the Ocean County Jail. Juvenile complaints were approved for the 17 year old for robbery, aggravated assault and theft. He was processed and released.

All charges were approved by the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office.

The Toms River Police Department would like to thank the Barnegat Township Police Department, the Ocean County Sheriff’s Department Crime Scene Investigation Unit and the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office for their assistance in this investigation.

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