Two Arrested in Connection with TD Bank Robbery

image“Thank you for the numerous tips that lead to the arrest of the two suspects in yesterday’s Robbery of the TD Bank,” Brick Police said today.

“The investigation led to the arrest of Joseph Mason 25 years old from Staten Island NY and Caila Graciano, 21 years old from Brick.”

Mason is the suspect that entered the bank at 2:08 PM and handed the bank teller a note demanding money. Mason then fled the scene with over $500 cash to the waiting vehicle that Graciano was operating.

Both were charged with Robbery and bail was set by Municipal Court Judge Robert M Lepore in the amount of $75,000 full no 10%. They are currently lodged in the Ocean County Jail.

Detective Brian Ulman and Detective Dan Waleski are the lead investigators from the Brick Police Department. The investigation is ongoing and anyone with information should contact Detective Ulman 732-262-4611, or the Brick Police directly at 732-262-1100.


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