Turning On Red Could Soon Be Permitted At South Clifton & Route 88

During the last Committee meeting, Committeeman Albert Akerman asked the Township request that motorists be allowed to turn on red at South Clifton and Route 88, northbound. Akerman says allowing motorists to turn on red at that intersection, will ease congestion on South Clifton, which is often backed up until Hurley Avenue.

The Township is expected to contact the State and the County to consider the change.

Turning right on a red is permitted in NJ, unless indicated otherwise. TLS-MK.

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  1. bad idea , do we not have enought peds struck in lakewood. turn on red there will be realllllly bad guys … and happy chanukah everyone…..hope i spelled it right i am not jewish.. i tried

  2. good idea. they should do it for many more intersections in town. i can’t figure out why there are so many no turn on red intersections in this town more than anywhere else i’ve ever seen.

  3. Even if they dont allow right on red, they should at least put up a right turn signal so that people could turn when the other direction has a left turn signal. No cars will be going in that direction at that time. That would ease up most of the congestion!

  4. how about HURLEY and Cedarbridge

    ever get stuck at that light on Hurley trying to turn onto Cederbridge heading into town. You coudl wait 10 minutes for it to change on slow traffic times especialy sunday and at night. I have seen people give up waiting and proceed through the red after waiting 10 minutes. Called the LPD many times to report. no change.

  5. That intersection is always backed up all the way to Hurley.
    Allowing all of the right turning cars to clear that area will ease up the whole situation and allow those going left or straight to get through that much faster.

  6. They have no turn on red signs, because they know people will not come to a complete stop at the intersections, and will simply glide through the light to make their right turn. This is VERY dangerous. When the other side of traffic has a green turning arrow, I see cars nearly collide, and sadly, they often do crash. It may be a very congested area, and the driver may become impatient, and turn right, causing a collision.

    I think if they are considering to allow a right on a red, they should have specific times posted, permitting them to turn on red.

  7. they should at least allow you to turn right on to the 88 while cars are making a left from the 88 to clifton (the cedar bridge direction) the same way you can make a right from the 88 to the nine while cars are making a left from the 9 to the 88

  8. The Township should buy the land on that corner where Roey’s used to be and the adjacent pieces of land (the taxi place and the old tire place) and then angle all the Cedarbridge traffic towards Rt. 88 . This will help the treacherous situation between Main Street and Hurley.

  9. “Even if they dont allow right on red, they should at least put up a right turn signal so that people could turn when the other direction has a left turn signal. No cars will be going in that direction at that time”

    Except for the cars turning left from the other direction!

  10. lets get real, This is a great idea but if your on the phone distracted then you have to worry. The police should be ticketing everyone on the phone while driving

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