Tuesday: Two Chol Hamo’ed Events To Benefit Tzedakah

Two Chol Hamo’ed events will be taking place Tuesday to benefit Tzedakah. The first event will feature the Chicago Boys Acrobats team, a petting zoo, Noach’s Teiva, a monkey show and more. The event will be taking place at Yeshivah Bais Hatorah, 1815 Swarthmore, and the cost is $10.

A second Chol Hamo’ed event will be taking place at the White Pearl Hotel in Seaside Heights. The event offers separate swimming and more.

Click here for more.

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  1. Why is the tzedaka anonymous? I don’t mind if its a world renown org. or the person organizing it who needs the tzedaka . But let’s be open and straightforward.

  2. We are also coming in from Brooklyn to the shows. Looking forward. It looks like a great program. And what difference does it make about the tzedaka, it’s for a Jewish cause and that’s what counts.

  3. Because some people actually make their decisions based on the Shu”a and hashkafa and tru to focus their money and energy on what has priority. A program to promote the minhag of not cutting your toenails and fingernails on the same day is a jewish cause . Its just quite low on my list of Jewish causes.

  4. What a confusing ad!!! Seriously someone clarify prices!!!!! I would love to give tzedaka but with 8 children K”h I need to know if its 10 dollars a person or 20 for everything!!!

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