TONIGHT: Mordy Fried, President of Keystone Cyber Protection to address LCSC Networking event

The event will be taking place at the Reception area of the Strand, corner of 4th Street and Clifton Avenue.

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  1. Kudos to Mordy Fried. This excellent presentation was thorough, humorous and completely understandable by all, technical and no technical alike. A difficult subject to communicate effectively, but Mordy delivered a taut, bubbly and enthusiastic presentation that was first class. A huge hat tip to Alex Lowinger and Sarah Gelwachs of LCSC to bring in Mordy to present this important subject to the community. Among many useful take-aways, Mordy underscored that much of the cybersecurity problem is a people problem (and offered numerous examples and tips with that in mind) and is not necessarily a technical one. I often say that “The biggest problem in cybersecurity is the short circuit between the desk and chair”. Building cybersecurity awareness, as was superbly done tonight is the best way to solve the problem.

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