[COMMUNICATED] “My grandfather would cry that he wasn’t able to keep shmita!” Shachar Ptichi, third generation farmer exclaimed, standing in a Lakewood shul, delivering a Shabbos Drasha as the Rav’s guest only a few short weeks ago.
“It was simply too hard for him. He knew that he would not be able to walk away from his livelihood for an entire year.
“But before he died, he told me, ‘Shachar – Promise me that when you have the ability to keep shmita – you will!’ I gave him my word.
“After I took over the leadership of our business a few years ago, I am proud to say that with the help of Keren Hashviis, who guided me and supported me through this year, I am proud to keep shmita for the first time!”
The mispallelim had tears in their eyes; tears of a common sense of Mesiras Nefesh, and tears of the joy of accomplishment.
The connection between Lakewood and Keren Hashviis goes back generations. As Rav Ahron zt”l was building Torah in America, fighting the waves of naysayers who looked at him with skepticism, carefully charting the course which set the landscape for Torah to thrive in America, The Chazon Ish was doing the same in Eretz Yisroel.
As the population settled in Eretz Yisroel eight decades ago, slowly developing the barren holy land with families, communities, and agriculture, most Yishuvim and Kibbutzim blatantly ignored the pact of Mitzvos Hateluyos Ba’aretz, and the Mitzvah of Shmittah.
But the Chazon Ish didn’t. Despite all odds, he commissioned Rav Binyomin Mendelsohn to found a moshav which would stand up for Hashem and His Torah, which would truthfully represent the face of Artzeinu Hakedosha, and which would hopefully ensure klal Yisroel’s continued existence in Eretz Yisroel.
Moshav Kommemiyus, the first Shomer Shviis Moshav, was born. Keren Hashviis was founded. And Yidden around the world jumped in to help – ensuring the continued kedusha of Eretz Yisroel.
On the other side of the Atlantic, As Rav Ahron slowly but steadily built Beis Medrash Govoha, introducing the true mesorah of Torah to young American boys, his influence grew and grew. His talmidim strengthened themselves with Mesiras Nefesh, determination, and an unyielding commitment to the truth, and they thrived and flourished.
Under this backdrop, a solid connection between Lakewood and Keren Hashviis was formed. In fact, Rav Shneur zt”l kept Keren Hashviis so close to his heart, that he would hold the once-in-seven-year asifa and appeal for Keren Hashviis in the Beis Medrash of the yeshiva!
As we are just past the halfway mark for the years of Shmita 5782, one can only look with amazement at the progress in Eretz Yisroel, and the positive effect it has on the world.
Before Rosh Hashana of this year, Shmita, Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l, Nasi Keren Hashviis, told Rav Benzion Kugler shlit”a, Director of Keren Hashviis, “B’motzei Shviis ben Dovid Bah. Please make sure that most of the land of Eretz Yisroel keeps Shmita.”
With a mission to accomplish, this year, Keren Hashviis accomplished a monumental feat. While committing an additional $10,000,000 to their budget, they secured a historic 651,000 dunam, up from 333,000 last Shmitah, reaching 51% of Eretz Yisroel to keep Shmita!
The farmers rolled up their sleeves, and with rock solid Emunah and Bitachon, they laid down their tools and stepped up to steer Eretz Yisroel – and the entire world- in the direction of Kvod Shomayim.
Now is our opportunity to join them and support them.
A historic Asifa will take place this Tuesday, May 17, in Beis Faiga, for the Giborei Torah in the Ir HaTorah to partner with the Giborei Koach of Eretz Yisroel.
Follow the call of Gedolim from generations past and from our generation! Please join Keren Hashviis This Tuesday Evening!