Due to severe ice-over forcasted for Tuesday morning, all public and non-public schools will be on a 90 minute delayed opening schedule for BOE-provided services.
Which means, all public schools will be opening 90 minutes late, and non-public busing will be delayed as well.
Check with your child’s private school for an exact opening schedule.
Whats Bais Faiga’s Snow Number?
Here we go again. ..
I want to know what people think? ?
If there is school then there is bus…
If there is no bus then there is no school!!!!
This causes so much traffic and the parents are so busy with it..
Central Ave backed up from rt 9 to Glen Ave. Accident on cedar bridge and clover. Cheder traffic back to the stadium.
There should have been no bussing today, the township did not salt the side roads. Isn’t that the point of the 90 minute delay?
Who’s idea is this.
These people “in charge” have no idea what they are doing!!
They should be fired!
Thank goodness the BOE had enough sense to delay school opening!!!!! Number 6 I’m glad you’re not in charge!!!!