BREAKING: Trump Pardons January 6th Participants; Signs Dozens of “Disruptive, Radical Executive Actions” [UPDATED]

Other orders he signed froze most federal hiring and withdrew the country from the Paris Climate Agreement

At an event at the Capital One Arena in downtown Washington, President Trump has signed multiple Executive Orders, fulfilling many campaign promises in the first hours of his second administration.

“I am revoking nearly 80 disruptive, radical executive actions of the previous administration,” President Trump said in a speech just prior to signing the orders.

Some of the first orders he signed froze most federal hiring and withdrew the country from the Paris Climate Agreement, a highly controversial Obama-era agreement among most of the world to fight climate change.

Additionally, President Trump signed an order requiring federal workers to return full time to in-person work.

Trump also signed an order revoking a Biden executive order that created a task force to reunify families separated at the southern border.

Later, while sitting in the Oval Office for the first time since being sworn in this afternoon, President Trump signed an order granting a full pardon to nearly 1,500 people accused of participating in the January 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol. Another 6 were granted commutations.

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  1. Baruch HaShem (Thank G-D) he freed them. They are good patriotic people. It bothered them and hurt them how the 2020 election was stolen. But it was for the better as now everyone appreciates Trump much more.

    • Your words will provide great comfort to the families of the fallen capital police officers, as well as the over 150 officers who were injured during the capital “non insurrection” by the “patriots” who were convicted and released by your hero. The real heroes are Brian Sicknick, Jeffery Smith, Howard S. Liebengood, Gunther Hashida, Kyle Defreytag.

  2. There are still serious reservations about Trump’s appointment of Steve Witkoff as Mid-east envoy, and the strong-arming of Netanyahu to sign the awful hostage deal.

    But otherwise, it’s a great day for America: replacing crooked, dementia ridden Uncle Joe with a true patriot, whose heart (I believe) is in the right place, despite his quirky personality.
    B’ezras Hashem, Trump will do the right things for both the U.S. and Eretz Yisrael.

    May the final geula be imminent in these tumultuous times.

  3. G-D bless our greatest president for making America great again by freeing the good people who are members of the patriotic Proud Boys and Oath Keepers.

  4. Trump Signs Executive Order Banning Veggie Burgers From The WH Menu
    President Donald J. Trump signed a monumental executive order Monday on his first day in office, permanently banning veggie burgers, and all meat-substitute dishes, from the WH menu.
    “I just spent four years of my life campaigning for the presidency,” Mr. Trump told reporters on Tuesday, “and the first dish I see on the menu upon arriving at the WH is veggie burgers?!!! Come on, man, that’s pathetic and disgusting!” “I’m sorry, but veggie burgers are not going to cut it for an avid and avowed hamburger consumer like me,” Mr. Trump said.
    “Meat is essential to my diet,” he explained. “I need meat, lots of meat, because animal protein is the nutrient that keeps me going! It’s the nutrient that allows me to perform at an incredibly, kinetically crazed pace.”
    “My apologies to the WH kitchen staff,” Mr. Trump said, “but no more lame meat-substitute meals, for me, or my administration! Period!”
    “My administration and I will always hold steadfast to our animal-protein creeds and our carnivorous lifestyles,” Mr. Trump asserted.
    Mr. Trump’s executive order essentially rescinds a previous executive order signed by President Joe Biden, shortly after he succeeded Mr. Trump in office, that explicitly banned Mr. Trump’s favorite dish – the iconic hamburger sandwich – from the WH menu.
    “Effective as of today,” the executive order that Mr. Biden signed back in January of 2021, stated, “Mr. Trump’s favorite meal, the infamous Hamburger sandwich – and all of Mr. Trump’s preferred animal-derived dishes – are banned from the WH menu.”
    “Oh, Lord,” Mr. Biden’s executive order went on to say, “please shower upon myself and my administration a bountiful supply of veggie burgers and tofu dishes, so that Kamala, myself and my entire staff, can set a shining example of what a classic progressive, anti-Trump meal should look like!”

    • I think it’s the general consensus that Trump escaped two assassination attempts, to be re-elected POTUS, by the ratzon of Hashem. If so, Trump is indeed a shaliach of the Aibishter to accomplish whatever are the plans in שָׁמַיִם for the U.S. and the Jews, both here and in Eretz Yisrael.

      (P.S. Please don’t be silly; I hardly imagine that any Torah Yidden are hanging Trump’s photo in their homes).

      • It could happen. Many on this site have no idea how the Catholics worshipped JFK when he was president. They had his picture on their walls right next to pictures of their religious figures.

    • who said? maybe he is! youre like the guy drowning and someone throws you a rope yet you refuse to hold on because it doesnt look like hashems messenger! hashems messenger can and does come in different shapes and forms but just like you would be grateful to the one who throws you the rope as opposed to the rope itself so too you should be grateful to hashem for sending us trump, instead of just remaining a miserable negative pessimist and trying to figure out why everyone is wrong for thinking hashem has been good to us…

    • Ben Shapiro, who accompanied Elon Musk to Auschwitz, had a few words for the people calling Musk’s gesture a Nazi salute: STUPID…IDIOTS!

      In the video, Musk says after touching his chest and raising his arm: “My heart goes out to you.” Those are the words that accompany a “Nazi salute”? And of course, the conservative media has been filled with photos of liberal celebrities doing the EXACT SAME ARM MOTION, without the hypocrites on the left hysterically screaming: “NAZI!”

      Shapiro elaborated: “The left is so thoroughly defeated that they can’t call Trump Hitler anymore, so they seamlessly shifted over to calling Elon Hitler.”

      Leah, please don’t be a useful idiot for the Trump-hating, lying media. It’s sadly unbecoming.

    • Liar. he didn’t pardon a single Neo Nazi. Musk didn’t do the Nazi salute either. You either don’t know the truth, or are an avid follower the Liberal Democrat party fake news media.

      • You are all brainwashed in your Trump Cult. So sad. so small minded. You only see and hear what you want. This has nothing to do with dems and republicans. This is about good and evil.

        • So, the 77 million Americans and 75% of Orthodox Jews who voted for Trump are all “small-minded, brainwashed” people. Yikes!!! With that egregious condemnation your credibility as a person on the side of “good” (vs. evil) has been laid waste. So sad for you Leah.

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