Trail of Change leads Police K9 to Lakewood Supermarket Burglary Suspect

k9 tls shriffsA trail of loose change led police to the suspect in a weekend burglary of a local supermarket, police said today.

An alarm at the NPGS supermarket sounded over the weekend after a burglar forced his way by prying open a door, and proceeded to grab a cash register with money inside, police say.

Police responded and found a trail of loose change outside the supermarket, and called for a K9 unit.

With the help of the sniffing dog, police managed to trace the trail to the suspect, who was located near the tracks – with the cash register near him, police say.

The man, who police say is a serial burglar, was arrested and charged with criminal trespass, burglary and theft. He was transported to the Ocean County Jail.


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