Petirah of Yehudis Storch A”H

We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Yehudis Storch A”H, who was Niftar this evening following a lengthy illness.

Yehudis, daughter of R’ Shalom and Dina, was 18.

The Levaya will be taking place at 10:00 AM tomorrow morning at 7th Street Chapel. Kevura will take place in Deans, NJ.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

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  1. Yocheved…we are so very sorry to hear this. Our hearts go out to you and your families. Hugs to all of you. We are here, for any help that you need.

  2. so sad I don’t ever recall yehudis without a smile on her face . She was a true source of inspiration through all her pain and suffering . Yehudis we will miss you . May the family have a nechama .

  3. What a tragic loss! Only Hashem can be menacheim this special family! May her holy neshamah have an Aliyah . May all the special zechusim she brought about bring klal yisroel the ultimate yeshuah we so desperately need.
    Hudis You will be sorely missed.

  4. I wasn’t zoche to know Yehudis , however as a mother of teenage girls I feel the loss.
    This is a tragedy that affects all of us in Lakewood. When a young girl passes away , it is a shake up for us all. her passing inspires me to use our days here wisely and to value every teenage girl.

  5. Hudiis you were so special, and triumphed way beyond your years. Your smile was contagious and your strength was an inspiration for everyone that knew you. BDE may the family have a nechama

  6. My prayers and thoughts go to Yocheved and your family. I did not know your sister but i can feel Hudis in the loving comments that descibe her smile and strength. BDE may the family have a nechama. Bonnie Hardy

  7. I’m am numb.
    Hudis I only met you maybe a few times, but your attitude left a forever impact on me. You didn’t care what people will say or think by the fact that you lost your hair. You remained stead fast to your emunah in Hashem. May all your suffering be a kapparah and may Hashem bring your family nechama.

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