Tragic Petirah of Reb Avrohom Levi Bresler Z”L of Lakewood, Niftar of Coronavirus

We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Reb Avrohom Levi Bresler Z”L of Lakewood. He was 58.

The Niftar was a Masmid, learning nearly all day, and was a mechaber Seforim.

R’ Bresler  Z”L, of Westgate, had COVID-19 symptoms last week, and was rushed to the hospital on Shabbos afternoon in critical condition.

YWN reports that prior to Lakewood, the Niftar resided in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, where he learned in the Kollel at Yeshiva Bais Hatalmud for many years. As a Bochur he learned in Yeshiva Torah Temimah, followed by Bais Hatalmud and by Rav Dovod Soloveitchik in Brisk.

He leaves behind an Almanah, an Isha Chashuva, Mrs. Gittel Bresler (Eckstein) who is the principal at Tehilas Chaya Sara in Lakewood. His children are, Miri Gaz (husband of Reb Dovid of Chaim Berlin), Habochur Yehuda Dovid, and daughter Rivka. His siblings Reb Shuey Bresler from Eretz Yisroel, Reb Mordy Bresler from Flatbush, Reb Chanoch Bresler from Detroit and Mrs. Eidi Schwartzman of Lakewood.

His parents were Rav Shlomo Z”L and Mrs Sara A”H Bresler of Boro Park.

His wife, Mrs Bresler is a daughter of Harav Tzvi & Mrs Tzivy Eckstein of the Mirrer Yeshiva in Flatbush.

The Levaya will take place in Lakewood.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes

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  1. Hoping that reading this the community understands the importance of social distancing during this horrible pandemic . It’s not a joke and nobody is exempt . We must do our part in taking care of the elderly , immunodeficient and those in between . May he Rest Peacefully .

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