BARUCH DAYAN HA’EMES: [UPDATED] It is with much regret that we inform you of the Petirah of the two year old boy, Aryeh Leib Tashman. The boy, who was found in Cardiac Arrest yesterday following an incident, was flown to CHOP Hospital where he struggled for his life.
He was Niftar a short time ago.
Levaya details will be posted when available.
UPDATE 4:00 PM. The Kevurah will be taking place at the Holocaust Memorial Chapel, tentatively at 5:00 PM.
Any updates will be published as soon as they become available.
Bde,everyone please lets be better yiden,we should only make nice comments on the lakewood scoop etc only shalom!!there are to many tragedies!!!
Oy! Baruch dayan emes.
so sorryt to hear of this sad news. will pray for this family.
Bde. This pure innocent soul! May the family suffer no more pain!
who are his parents? so so sad. want to know which family so i can be Menachem them
Just areminder for all those that may go and be m’nacheim avel. It may be uncomfortable just to sit there silently, and you may feel the urge/need to talk, but make sure that you think 1000 times before you say ANYTHING. You don’t know how the most ‘sincere’ thing may be SO painful for the parents/aveilim. Don’t tell stories of other people who lost children (or five children). You should’nt ask for details about what happened. If they (the parents) want to talk about what happened JUST LISTEN…DON’T TALK.
Remember what the gemara in berachos says “the s’char for being m’nacheim avel, is to be silent”.
May H-shem give them a real nechama, and they should see no more tzar…them and the whole klal yisroel.
No words.
tatta in himel vee azoi lust di dais geshain ?
I’m just crying away…so sad…I know the father personally…he’s so warm & nice and amazing..any info on levyah
I’m cryiing
Tears r just streaming down my sad..
The father of this boy is a very חשובע kollel yungerman
@ comment 8. i completely agree with you. its amazing the stupid and senseless comments i got and still continue to get when people try to make me feel good.the best thing to do is either to be quiet or say something neutral like i’m so sorry for your loss. but PLEASE DON’T tell me i’ll have many more kids to replace this one or that hashem chose you to be the parents of this very special neshama- (people actually made these comments!)- its not your place to tell me what or why hashem does! if you really think its so special how about asking hashem to take one of yours so you can join this special club.
Rabbi tashman is such an amazing person..I feel horrible for him…
Any info on levyah yet……pls
Is levyah gonna b in lkwd??
This is a wonderful family. Hashem should be menachum them,
What’s lates someone can make a levyah on erev shabbos & one allowed to wait to m.shabbos??
Exceptionally special family; lived here for around 8 years or so and just recently moved back to Lakewood. So many here feel the Tashmans are like family members to us. Simply no words.
We must heed the ‘message’ – the closer we are to them the greater the potch/message and the more introspection and change-for-the-better we must become – easier said than done.
We should only hear besuros tovos.
Can the he lkwd scoop pls keep us updated on info of levyah & etc…many want to know
bd”e. “hamakom yenachem eschem bsoch shear evailai tziyon vyerushalayim.”
chas veshalom hashem should never make s.o go thru this terrible gehinom but nevertheless people should realize that it’s impossible to understand what s.o in that situation feels like so sometimes its better not to say anything at all because the aveilim are coming from a dif perspective than you are and they will take it differently . hashem yerachem.
lets all make even just a little kabalah lzecher nishmaso, right now while the pain is still raw ,BECAUSE HASHEM IS DEFINATELY TRYING TO TELL US SOMETHING
Chicago Aneinu mentioned the young boy has an aunt in Chicago. Does anyone know about this?
R’ Avrohom, you were always there for all of us in your chabura, we are always here for you too.
with a sadness,
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון בירושלים.
So sad
@27 The father’s name is R’ Yehoshua.
it’s not Avrohom’s son, it’s Yehoshua and Batshevas. may we only share in each others simchos.
to 26 they he has an uncle in Chicago!
Maybe we should all me mekabel kedushas bais haknesses in zchus of this tiyera neshama which includes not talking during tefillos and krias hatorah and for sure no kissush clubs. It will be the ultimate Zchus
BDE!! My heart is broken & all I can do it cry!! I grew up with Reb Yehoshua & he has always been an amazing person. May hashem give him, his wife & entire family strength to continue their amazing work & may we see moshiach bekorov. Everyone should try to take opun themselves something even if one thinks it is a small thing, to do & be a better person.
Any update on the Levaya/shiva?
BDE: Nebech, we should only hear good news, Git shabbos.
whwere did this happen
Let’s b there for the family
take your hock and get lost. there are people in pain beyond your imagination and you want to know the hock!!!!!!!!!!????????
i heard there might be a levyah now in lkwd….can someone pls confirm where and when
What’s kevura opposed to levyah…will there b any speakers?? How long will it b??
oy vey! BDE. so sad!
Hashem should send a nechamah to this great choshavah family.
Hashem should comfort them among the morners of Zion in Jerusalem.
dont we see that this is a clear sign from hashem !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!