Tragic: Lakewood DPW Employee Dies after suffering Heart Attack at work

imageThe Lakewood Public Works Department is mourning the sudden passing of a colleague who died at work on Monday.

Eddie Rodriquez, a longtime employee, was working at the DPW headquarters when he suddenly collapsed, suffering a heart attack, officials say. He was 62.

Collegues and medical personnel rushed to his aid and began performing CPR. He was transported to MMCSC but unfortunately passed away.

“The Lakewood Township Department Of Public Works is sadden to announce that long time employee Hediberto “Eddie” Rodriquez passed away unexpectedly yesterday, while performing his duties for the Township,” DPW officials told TLS.

Eddie began his career in the Road department in 2001. He shared his many skills training DPW employees in masonry and road repair.

“He was well liked by all that knew and worked with him,” said the DPW. “He will be missed.”


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  1. Sim Saturday and good spirit like he always is joking and being a prankster always kept his word whatever he promised truly will be missed

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