BARUCH DAYAN HA’EMES: [UPDATED LEVAYA INFORMATION] We regret to inform you of the sudden Petirah of R’ Akiva Eherenfeld Z’L, the youngest son of the Mattesdorfer Rav Shlita, who was Niftar this morning at the age of 37.
Hatzolah Paramedics were summoned to his home at about 7:00 this morning after he was found slumped over his Gemara.
He leaves behind a wife and nine children.
Reb Yisroel Schenkolewski is working with officials to ensure the Niftar is treated with the proper Kavod.
The Levaya will be taking place in New York. Details will be published when available.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
UPDATE: There will be a short Levaya at 7th Street and Private Way at 3:00 PM and a Levaya at Yeshivas Chassan Sofer in Boro Park, 50th St and 19th Avenue, at 7:00 PM.
The Aron will then be flown to Eretz Yisroel for Kvurah.
Shivah information will be added when available.
bde-i hope the family finds comfort during this hard time.
may he be a korben oleh for gantz klal yisroel.
moshiach zul shoin kumen!
Att: who ever wrote the head line Should switch from z”l to ZT”L,he was a very חשובע person and a big תלמוד חכם who sat the whole day learning,so for the כבוד המת please change it
I heard from friends that he was a very choshuve talmid chochom. Its a major tragedy.
where was he, in lakewood?
A VERY choshuver yungerman- he recently moved to lakewood, he was still relatively “undiscovered” yet. A future star in the olam hatora…
Oy vey oy vey!!!!!
Hashem yerachem al amo…
Such a fine, eidele talmid chochom- what a tragic shocking loss for klal yisroel
It should say ZT”L
I concur with the opinions above. I immediately understood that Hagaon Harav Akiva Ehrenfeld ZT”L was probably hunched over the gemara. That was where he was day and night! We lost a Gadol.
Moshe rabaynu doesn’t have zl or ztl after his name. Yet your worried about kavod hatorah?
Dearest Kivi! ZT”L
I’m crying for your wife, children and parents. Please tell the Ribono Shel Oilam to stop all the tzaros and stop taking karbonos. Please go to the Kiseh HaKavod and shake it with all your might and beg HKBH”U to bring us the geula TODAY!
I remember the times we played as young boys in Yeshiva Chassan Sofer. We used to make trouble together. One day your mother caught us and told me that one day you will become a Gadol BaTorah. She was correct. Your were. You always had a good sense of humour. You were the brightest kid in the class. You took your Kishronos and made something of yourself. You lived up to your abilities.
Please daven for all of Klal Yisroel. Please ask Hashem to send a refua shelaima to all the Cholei Yisroel and send Parnasa to all those in need.
Please be mochel me for anything I may have slighted you.
MY ben SY
he was a real Ish Ems very big talmid chochom worked on himself
Is this y there were hatzolah & police @ monmouth & 8th str this morning ?
i dont get this!
he just didnt wake up?
#12, Yes
#13, yes
Oy – what we lost out on! Hashem is taking from us the best that we can’t loose out on,
RABBOSAI!! We must Wake up!!!
R’ Akiva, Daven for all of us! Daven for your wife and kinderlach that Hashem should give htem the koach they need to overcome this and live by your ideals!
You were special, and we didn’t know it.
#13 –
what is there not to chap?
Hashem wanted him, and took him while he was learning! NO OTHER REASON!
Bde may his familly know of no more sorrows
any update on were and when the levaya will be held?
For him it’s only fear to use ZT”L
I’m crying
why are we waiting for Tragedy to strike R”L to start doing teshuva
let us all commit to do teshuva & return to hashem & ask everyone forgiveness. so we can avoid any tragedies all together
The way I knew ‘Kivi’, he’d prefer a simple Kivi Ehrenfeld z”l – he was a true anav and shfal berech – but he is definitely being welcomed iin shamayim like a Tzadik and gadol b’torah. I can still picture him in beis midrash engrossed in a sugya…
He would want us all to get off the Internet
How do you know it will stop when we stop the loshon hara. Maybe it will stop when we stop the pritzus of ladies walking around with short skirts. Or maybe it will stop when we all go to the internet asifah.
It’s amazing how some people think they know the true answers to everything.
#26 your right
it will stop when those other major problems stop too !
lets work on them too !
#27 if the women would not dress that way we would not have to go to citi field
they go hand in hand its because of these short dress that people go to the internet !
#29 True vort!! gut gezukt!!
who ever wrote #25 is correct it states this clearly in the sefer shmiras haloshon from the chofetz chaim zt’l
ps by no other sin besides loshon horah can the satan Prosecute with out having to get prior permisson from the heavenly court
lately the woman (moderated) lets start an orgazation in Memory of our belvod freind Hagaon Hagodl Rabbi Akiva zt’l that ladies should wear tzinus clothing, i see think that only ladeis store that sell cloting should have a hasguach
the liviya will be 7 o’clock tonight in yeshiva chason sofer
when is the funeral taking place?
where will he buried?
בשורות טובת
Raboisey! This is not the time or place to discuss all these topics & issues, ah bisele kavod hameis!!
it’s best to do your own chesbon hanefesh.
In short, if something were to c”v to happen today, what could they honestly write on your tombstone.
Shop rite doesn’t hava a Hasgacha yet every manages to shop there and they don’t pick up the treifa food and take it home. The Lakewood clothing stores wouldn’t sell clothes that arent “Kosher” if people wouldnt by them. We must teach are wife’s and daughters to buy clothes fitting for a bas Yisroel so that when they go into a clothing store they will buy the “kosher” clothes like they do in shoprite. And believe me the stores don’t care what they carry they are just looking to make a living.
the liviya will be 3 o’clock in bmg and 7 o’clock tonight in yeshiva chason sofer
Also noteworthy, he was the son in law of R’ Shloima Freshwater from London.
Besuros Tovos
So sad, so young to just suddenly die. Our time is borrowed time and we just never know when our time will end. Bless his young wife and children, may time heal their crying hearts. My prayers to his family & freinds..
And grandson of harav gedalya schorr
Will there b a phone # to call in by lakewood levaya
oy a tzadik! such anivus- such chashivus….
He was a talmid chochom and a masmid. H
He had yichus and a very choshuver family, and other things that would cause simpler people to become enormous balei gavah, yet Reb Akiva was a true anav and so nice and kind to evryone, without a trace of gavah.
oy what a tzadik- anyone that crossed his path loved him, nechmad l’mate!!
oy vey! oy vey! oy vey! oy vey!!!!!
Is there a hook up of the layva
A young father, husband, talmid chacham passes away and the only comment people come up with is whether to add z”l or zt”l???? A mother and her orphans are in pain and yet you bicker over symantics??? Enough of this garbage! There will never, ever be Achdus among us if we are even arguing over the proper prefix or suffix to attach to the niftar! Where are your sensitivities!?! How far has your sechel left you!?!
Tehi Nishmosoi Tzurur Bitzror Hachayim…
the niftar does not read the blog why are people asking him things and davening on the blog ???
Anyone have a # to b able to listen to the levaya?
He was a real special Yungerman that worked on himself in all aspects of Yiddishkeit, a true Ben Torah. and a real exapmle for all of us to foolowin his foot steps. May HAshem grant Koach to his wife and children to be able to over come this Nisoyan. i Was his Chavrusah f a while ago when he still lived in EY i was always amazed by all his charchter a real bachainte Yungermsn..he will be misse dny all of us May hashem bring Moshiach alreaday VYOMAR LTZUROSEINU. DAI……………UMEIN
a choshuve kehila in town was after him to fill their position as mora dasra, he refused to come for a shabbos since he worried it might bring him closer to having interest in the position and since he recently moved to lakewood he’d rather wait till his wife and family settle and get comfortable in their new surroundings. Obviously, kavod was not in his dictionary!
At this time of tza’ar, don’t pounce on your pet peeves to try correct the world. With respect to clothing stores being granted a hechsher, any self respecting individual has to know his/her size and limitations. A skirt can be long on one lady and short on another, and likewise tight or loose. Similarly, a top can be baggy on one and snug on another. That’s why people have sechel and stores have mirrors!
We obviously are not Hashem so we DEFINATELY do NOT know the reasoning behind His ways.Many of you have contradicted each other,tzniyos is important and each woman has to work on themselves on their level,perhaps the men should practice stronger shmiras einayim.Not speaking ,loshen horah is major and FOR MEN TOO!!!!
As for the internet I believe the asifa is to discuss how to use it safely not how not to use it!Basically lets all of us work on OURSELVES to ensure no more tzaross in Klal yisroel.
ה’ ירחם איזה גזירות
איזה צרות איזה ייסורין….
הקב”ה יאמר די לצרותינו
ויגאל אותנו במהרה גאול העולמית
ולכם תושבי לייקווד
שתשמעו רק בשורות ולא תדעו צער בגובלכם
לייקווד זה עיר התורה והחסד
בליקווד זכיתי לראות אנשי מעשה
אנשי אמונה הע”י
אפרים חזן
Have known him personally and was zoche to be is chavruseh. He was the real thing ,a true person-no bluffing. He was constatntly working on himself on all aspects in yiddishkeit. Was a true anav,baal chesed ,baal midos,amel batorah, tzadik (was also very bachaint ,geshmak and baal kishron otzum). Was a big yachsan andhis yichus was visible on him.
May he be a melitz yosher for all that knew him and all of klal yisroel.
We all miss you.
He was a real father to his children. he saw to do whatever it takes to ensure their succes!
Boruch Dayan Emes.
Lakewood Scoop,
please give proper honor to Rabbi Ehrenfeld ZT”L
by spelling his last name correctly.
Thank you.
They will be sitting shiva in Lakewood till Thursday. On Thursday they will go to BP and finnish the rest of the shiva at 1655-46st
Baruch Dayin Emes. Truly shocking. No words can describe. wishing the family much menucha and to the mother the koach to raise her children.
Instead of everyone assuming the problem is pritzus lets be honest with ourselves. The problem is the hundreds of hurt parents whose kids have not been accepted into schools because of the loshon hora and motzei shem ra game that is part of this town. How many of you look down and baredt your neighbors and want to send your kids to the elitist school in town so you can feel frummer than everyone else. There will CV be more karbanos until everyone here practices real ahavas yisroel instead of just talking the talk.
wow all you people who are saying its the women fault or its cause of internet usage, I was just wondering when Hashem made you his partner? That you know that’s why he was nifter. A wife and children where left without their husband and father, please show respect and keep your opinions about what bothers you to yourself, at least on this page. I have my opinion about this town too but its in appropriate to say it here i will wait to when its the rite time.
אני רואה את התגובות של תושבי לייקוד
ואני ממש מתמלא בגעגועים גדולים
לבני תורה האמיתיים שיש בלייקוד
איזה אהבת ישראל
איזה מידות נפלאות
אשריכם תושבי לייקוד
ה’ ישמרכם מכל רע
thank you for writing the truth !
I am a Rosh Kolel @ a night Kolel (I went 2 the library to pay a bill and s/1 told me they have a blog here about this tzadik R Akiva so I want to add my 2 sence) I once called him up for a nedavah for my Kollel he sent me generously every month a check w/o any fan fare and I never met him in person nor does he even know me – he was just a higher cloth yid who knew and did Hashems Rotzon with such anevus – we didn’t deserve him and we didn’t apriciate him
Any Shiva information?