Tragedy again struck the Lakewood community, with the sudden Petirah today of an infant, Baila Bracha Sorotzkin A”H.
The mother was reportedly sitting near her 6-month old at around 3 PM when she noticed the child gagging, and then going unresponsive. Hatzolah rushed to the home, and upon arrival found the child in Cardiac Arrest.
The child was transported Hatzolah Paramedics to MMCSC where she was R”L Niftar.
Askonim are working with local officials to ensure proper Kavod is given to the Niftar during the investigation.
Baila Bracha is the daughter of R’ Chaim Dov and Sora Aliza.
The Levaya will tentatively be taking place at 11:15 PM at the 7th Street Bais Olam (not at the chapel).
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
Baruch Dayan Hames.
This is beyond tragic!! The nicest sweetest people!! No parents should ever have to go through this!!!
Which Sorotzkin is this?
they live in Pine River . parents are Dovi and Sara Aliza
lavaya info?
Terrible tragedy! ! I know the father well, a very special person. My heart is broken. Hamokom yenachem..
Can anyone comfort me as i mourn the loss of another brother in Klal Yisroel?
42 niftar R”L total since 2016 began R”L
isn’t this shocking & tragic to bear?
Every niftar is listed & shocking how they were niftar. so no one can deny the wake up call from Hashem for TESHUVA.
theres noone to blame but ourselves
May the neshama have an aliya
may the family have a nechama
may we all do teshuva ASAP
My neighbor just told me of this horrible tragedy. so very sorry.
We need to rollback the Gashmius. BIG TIME.
IF TLS wants to post this also. below are the latest 10 niftar just in the past 2 weeks alone & their info.
1)infant baby-of Rehovot Israel-died of Cardiac Arrest-February 17 2016-4 months
2)Tuvia Yanai Weissman-Of Michmash Israel-stabbed & Murdered by a Palestinian terrorist in the Rami Levy Supermarket-February 18 2016-21
3)child-of Hebron Hills community of Shima, Israel-Drowned in Pail-February 19 2016-1 year old
4)Tzvi Yecheskel Ference-of Miami Beach Florida-Killed in Highway Accident-February 21 2016-26
5)Shraga Tzvi Englander-of Israel-Parents found him not breathing in bed-February 21 2016-1 year old
6)Girl-of Beitar Illit, Israel-went into Cardiac Arrest caused due to choking-February 22 2016-9 months
7)Eliav Gelman -of Karmei Tzur. Israel-killed by accident by IDF Soldier aiming for arab-February 24 2016-23
8)Infant-of Jerusalem Israel-did not awake next morning, caused by “crib death”-March 4 2016-few months old
9)baby-of Giva’at Shaul Jerusalem, Israel-went into Cardiac Arrest & did not awake-March 6 2016-4 months old
10)Amir Maymoni-of Zohar in Southern Israel-Killed during a Shin Bet Operation near Gaza-March 8 2016-29
11)Leah Eisdorfer-wife of Dovid of Lakewood-Killed after losing control of her car while driving-March 9 2016-28
LOOK AT THEIR AGES R”L every name written is all %100 true information
May all their neshamos have an Aliya
The Levaya for Baila Brocha bas Sara Aliza Sorotzkin (Dovys daughter) will be at 11:15 pm at the 7’th St. Bais Hakvaros (do not go to the Chapel).