[COMMUNICATED] The “usuals” gathered on shabbos morning last week to have their daily shacharis minyan. The outdoor minyan and yeshiva had been started by a beloved Rabbi Yisroel Rozovsky, who had opened up the downstairs area beneath his own to make a safe gathering place during COVID times for prayers & Torah learning. One by one, the men who came for the minyan were met with the shock of a lifetime – the shaliach tzibur, Rav Rozovsky himself, had passed away the night before.
What shocked the Ramot community most about Rozovsky’s passing was that it was completely unexpected. He was a completely healthy 48-year-old father of 6. The Rozovsky family had recently recovered from COVID and were feeling well. Friday night he enjoyed a typical meal, relaxing with his children. Little did Rabbi Rozovsky know, unseen COVID complications had left him with a ticking time bomb – a blood clot near his heart. Friday night, he passed away suddenly of a heart attack.
The following video is a moving glimpse at pure, unadulterated grief:
Rebbetzin Rozovsky weeps uncontrollably, surrounded by family members and friends. The family is sitting shiva now, and money is being collected to help them survive the future ahead. Rabbi Rozovsky was the sole provider of his large family, and they were not prepared for such an unforeseeable tragedy.
Click here to read Mrs. Rozovsky’s letter to the public.
This disaster is only one of thousands of such tragedies happening around the world. I hope the tzibur is finally waking up to the reality that the true measure of Covid morbidity is not simply whether or not someone רחמנא לצלן is niftar while they are acutely ill. This is a multi system disease that can kill or disable in many ways, some of which are still being discovered. All those people I know who say “we had it and we’re fine, a couple of days of fever and we’re, no big deal” should count their blessings and thank Hashem for allowing them to survive unscathed. Instead of citing their fortunate experience as evidence that Covid is no big deal, which is what I’m constantly hearing from our dear brethren.
Covid is as dangerous as any other disease that could potentially cause a lot of harm if not treated correctly. Many people are not aware that Dr. Zelenko’s protocol includes blood thinners and other medications BESIDES hcq that work very successfully to treat covid. If you know how to treat it, and you know how to prevent it with safe medications it’s not dangerous for 99 percent of people. It’s only dangerous because many doctors are not following these safe protocols and people are not getting the treatments that work. Treatment also needs to continue for a few months to a year after the virus due to blood clots. If you need more info, call somech. You can see dr zelenko’s full protocol on his website drvladimirzelenko.com.
Many people are not aware that Dr Zelenko’s protocol is not Dr Zelenko’s protocol. He took a protocol originally from France, tweaked it a bit, and later on added a few items that are in widespread use. His conspiracy theories are insane – what reason does Israel have to reject HCQ, were they also seduced by Big Pharma? I’m a doctor who’s been in practice even longer than the esteemed Dr Zelenko, so I know what’s out there. Never in my entire career, which includes 25+ years in academia, have I ever seen any physician refer to a treatment regimen in his own name, even if he/she developed it. Even famous physicians who have devised lifesaving operations will never describe the surgery with their own name. Did Barnhardt call the heart transplant that he innovated the Barnhardt procedure? This alone should make you take anything he says with a massive cube of salt. Please stop citing him as the overarching authority on the topic, which he most definitely is not.
Your comment is motzei shem ra and should be taken down by TLS. I personally would rather follow a doctor who’s saving lives against popular mainstream opinion than a doctor who scrupulously follows every lie the health organizations were promoting during this COVID pandemic. Who cares what they do in academia? Look what a mess they made during COVID and how many lives were lost because of it.