Tragedy in Be’er Sheva: 10 Kids Lose Father

[COMMUNICATED] After a five year excruciating struggle with cancer, the world has lost yet another light: Rabbi Amor, 56, of Be’er Sheva. A father of ten and respected talmid chacham whose life was devoted to Torah, the situation he left behind only be described as “chaos.”

Prior to being diagnosed, Rabbi Amor had worked to support his family, During the years of his illness, their life’s savings were drained completely. His wife, Rebbetzin Rina Amor, is now solely responsible for raising 10 children. Her minimum wage employment is not sufficient to support a large family.

In addition to being traumatized from their loss, the Amor family is suffering deeply from their lack of funds. In video footage, Rebbetzin Amor explains that the children need the absolute basics: Shoes, food, and a heater for the winter.

“It is hard for us to suffer in the cold,” she says, with two young girls sitting at her side.

It is seemingly impossible for one grieving woman to find a career which will allow her to feed her children in the years to come. However, with the help of an emergency fund made on their behalf, there may be hope for their futures.



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