Improvements are coming to intersection of West County Line Road and Laurelwood Avenue in Lakewood.
Given the amount of accidents at the intersection, the Township has worked with the County Board of Commissioners to approve a left turn signal as well as lane realignment for the intersection.
These improvements are the first step in a comprehensive effort by Township, County and North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) officials to improve traffic flow and safety through a large stretch on and around County Line Road and nearby Kennedy Boulevard, from Laurelwood Avenue in the West to Squankum Road in the East. An array of meetings and public hearings have already been held to prepare and review a host of proposed improvements.
Lakewood Township Committeeman Meir Lichtenstein welcomed the latest development. “Extensive teamwork with our County partners has paid off,” he observes, “to the benefit of all residents and motorists who make use of that road.”
Nearby resident Eliyohu Hirsch remarks, “Every improvement to this intersection will no doubt save lives and improve the quality of life of our entire neighborhood. I commend everyone involved in these efforts and look forward to the continuing improvement of this challenging situation.”
how about some courses in patients for driving.
This is great that they’re doing this. It’s not an easy intersection. I personally appreciate it very much
How about dropping the speed limit on West County Line Rd. In Jackson, it has a divider, and the speed limit is 40 mph. When you reach Lakewood, there is no divider, and the speed limit is upped to 45 mph. Die to the narrow lanes, and the narrow shoulders, it probably should be 35 mph!