Township’s FAQ’s Section Will Answer Many of Your Questions

On a daily basis, TLS receives questions regarding various Lakewood Township schedules, operations and more.

Many of those questions are answered on the Township’s wesbite, in the FAQ section.

Click here to view the FAQ section for Lakewood.

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  1. I don’t know how accurate it is. The wuestion “What day is should I put out my garbage if there’s a holiday” has an answer what it used to be- the township would borrow Wednesday which is usually an off day. However, it has since changed (unless it’s been changed back) and now when there’s a holiday, it’s a day later from the holiday.
    For example, if holiday is on Monday, Monday’s pickup is Tuesday, Tuesday’s pickup is Wed and so on. If holiday is on Tuesday, then Monday is regular, Tuesday’s is Wednesday, Wednesday’s in on Thursday and so on.

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