VIDEO: Committeeman Meir Lichtenstien this evening asked the Mayor and the rest of the Committee to go forward with bonding funds to add sidewalks and traffic lights in the needed areas, for this coming year. The Mayor welcomed the motion and added that with the growing population, the infrastructure in town requires adding the sidewalks and lights to improve pedestrian safety.
The Mayor and other Committeemen will be compiling a list of the areas in need of the lights and sidewalks, and will present it to the Committee at the last meeting of the year.
It’s a waste of money. No one uses sidewalks.
Why not save up the money and pay cash for the work. Bonding makes us pay 3-4x the actual cost and we end up paying for the project for the next ,,how many years. As a tax payer it is a foolish way to do business and spend my money.
There are lots of people that have to walk places and sidewalks would make it much safer for them. Not everyone can afford two cars so someone might have to walk
Paying cash for the work is illegal because there is no accounting for where the cash is really going. Thanks but no thanks I will take the legal way so I know where my tax dollars are going and I can vote on it.
All that tax money goes where?
You do not know what you are talking about. The work is put out to bid and when it is complete you pay the man with the money you have set in the budget. Don’t have the work done then go to the bank for a loan, that is stupid. And if you pay cash you get a receipt !!!! I would love to know where you get your law information from, because it is wrong!
How about Hope road
In lieu of a tax hike paint it as a bond, debt will one day have to be payed off and not with lakewoodopoly money
There is sidewalks on central ave that nobody uses so just move them to were there needed
Now that we have so many communities down route 9 south to the Toms River boarder the town must provide sidewalks for us to walk our children. Walking in the street is just not safe
We need sidewalks I walk a lot me and my kids and its very dangerous now. Please please please let’s get more sidewalks, also on shaboss everyone in this town walks
The homeless section of town can use sidewalks, it’s hard pushing those shopping carts through the mud!!!
Need a short sidewalk to attach buckwald ct to the corner of county line. there is no shoulder and a tree along side a fence forces you to walk in path of turning vehicles.
please someone get the credit card away from the twp committee we do not need any more debt. if we cant afford it now we can wait.
Sidewalks are needed everywhere. Lets put them where they will do the most good first. Put them where children walk, this way the children can use the sidewalks to walk to school and that will save on busing and traffic on some roads. If you can replace buses with sidewalks the money save on the buses will pay for the sidewalks.
Why put sidewalks in,people don’t use them. They are all over my developement and no one walks on them. It would just be more of them would have to be sholved in the winter. Oh yea most of them don’t get cleaned after a snowstorm. What about the law stating snow must be removed 24 hours after a storm. Guess I have lived in this town too long I remember a lot of codes and rules that have gone by the wayside..
Route 9 is a state highway, good luck there! State is broke too.
No one walks on sidewalks in this town anyhow!
However it would be nice if the planning board required that all new construction include sidewalks. Good luck on that one too!
The town is in love with the buy now and pay much more for it later bonding idea,to save a whole penny or so off the tax rate they forced the fire department, the only organization in town which paid for things as they needed it to bond also.
The town doesn’t need to pay on credit for things they don’t need they need to be cutting back!
county line near pine park is so dark at night. someone can get killed. it very bad all the way to pawnee…
four days later and my comment is still awaiting moderation…
A common sight in town- people walking in the street, pushing strollers out from in between parked cars without looking, jaywalking, and generally not using their good sense when it comes to pedestrian safety. if they don’t use the sidewalks we have now, why are we going to put up more of them?
#1 JAR & #9 Anonymous are absolutely correct.