The Township Inspector who allegedly boxed in a School Bus for about 15 minutes with children on board, has been charged with Obstruction and Reckless Driving, an official tells TLS. The Township Inspector is accused of obstructing the roadway with a Township vehicle and endangering the children on the bus when he pulled his vehicle head-on to the bus while it was dropping off students, according to several eyewitnesses at the scene.
In addition to the above charges, numerous verbal and documented complaints against the Inspector are being investigated, officials said. At least one of the complaints is a very serious one the official says, although he would not specify what the offense was. TLS.
What about the bus driver? Did he get a ticket?
why would the bus driver get a ticket??
The bus driver was doing his job dropping off children safley!! the inspector was violating the law and endangering children
The police department is here to enforce law. For an inspector to get involved in such actions identifies his character as a “wanna be” and therefore he should not be qualified to be in a position to do fair and justified inspections.
I’m happy to see that justice is finally being done. If this man is innocent, than let it be known to all. However if he is indeed guilty of this and the other charges, let him pay the price for breaking the law. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.
finnally. Why did this take soo long?
Nothing is going to happen to this guy. I’m sure he is gonna be the one laughing at the end.
reckless driving,,what about the bus driver being across the center line dropping kids off. Since when do buses drop kids off that.. Also reckless driving as the law goes where was the willful wanton disregard
it is redicolous that this guy has not been suspended yet. he should join the pd if he likes patroling the streets
If everyone would stop when the red lights are flashing the busses would not have to drop off kids like that
Stop it! He was *charged* and not *convicted*. In America, he is INNOCENT until proven guilty. Let him have his day in court.
As far as charging him with reckless vs careless driving, I hope the prosecutor knows what he’s doing, especially when the entire community will be following this case very closely.
And if he’s taka not being disciplined by the township, let the Askonim find out why, especially after he willfully misused township property with azuz metzach.
Thank you… Well said. I see drivers going threw the yellow and red lights of a school bus multiple times every day. I wish Lakewood could do something that Jackson has done with there School buses for safety and that is put cameras on the outside where the stop sign is so that these driver can get tickets if they pass the bus. I know they are putting cameras on the inside for driver and child safety. I have tried to call the police with the drivers license plate number and kind of car but they say they didn’t see it so they can’t do anything about it. Cameras will solve it all.
I know him and he is a honest and great inspecter and person every one just take it easy
If you pass a school bus with flashing red lights, be prepared to receive at minimum, a moving violation ticket, which will cost you 5 POINTS on your license. You may also be charged with careless or reckless driving.
Also, they are installing cameras on the outside of school buses to catch drivers who illegally pass. They have already done this is different parts of New Jersey, and in many other states.
I think if the township inspector witnessed the bus doing something wrong, the most he should have done is get the bus company name, bus number, and license plate. This would have taken him under 1 minute to do. He should have pulled over, and let the bus driver finish the route. Not a 15 minute ordeal. That was a serious danger to everyone, especially the children on the bus. While pulled over, he could have contacted the police, and tell them the bus information, the time the incident occurred, and where it happened. Then, let the police handle it from there.
I think that he should become a volunteer crossing guard for a year as a punishment.
It’s kind of scary things like this still happen in lakewood but I have seen multiple incidents of cars passing school buses while picking up or dropping children off. Just drive down Prospect st. in the morning or afternoon.
I would hope Moe, Larry and Curly would tell the people of Lakewood to stop for buses, it would be appreciated.
Thank You
There is nothing wrong with bus drivers crossing over the yellow line. Why does it bother you? For the saftey of the children, and to ensure no one passes the bus. Most logical.
what is the inspecters name?
“what is the inspecters name?”. Irrelevant what the inspector’s name is.
this site is not dedicated to slander and bad-mouthing. The information given over is just to tell all drivers that no one is above the law and if you do something stupid that puts others in danger, you will be answerable, no matter who you are! (Yes, that includes reckless driving, speeding in 25 mile zones where children walk all the time and parking illegally.)
To #18: Actually there is something wrong with a bus crossing over the line… I see this all the time. It is against the law. It doesn’t make a difference if the bus driver is doing this for the safety of the children or not… this is not the wild, wild west. Let the police enforce the law and have everyone else abide by the law…
Does anyone that posted comments actually know the FACTS of the case? I see a lot of people making noise but no FACTS. I see a lot of people quoting laws that do NOT exist.
my children’s bus driver goes over the line if not for them doing that i would not have my kids anymore since many times people have not stopped for there bus. i stand outside when there bus comes to make sure also that its safe for them to cross. i really appreciate the bus drivers
going above just dropping off the kids and running on to there next stop. just last night i was driving home at 10:00 and a bus had its lights on and a car ran the lights. nobody seems to care if the bus is red lights are on since everyone is always rushing from place to place.
And I see HUNDREDS of drivers STOPING at flashing red lights of busses!!! It depends on what you want to see the good or bad. I dont mean to say that the few that dont shouldnt be reprimanded, but see that there are thousands more doing whats right than not!
This inspector is known to be a bad apple. Everyone has always been afraid to speak up or file charges out of fear of retaliation.
I’m glad someone finally stepped up to the plate.
why are you deleting my comments???
#2 the reason is because bus drivers have no right to clog the ENTIRE ROAD WAY WHEN THEY DROP OFF CHILDERN !
i see to many of these drivers taking advantage of thier red lights [ for example taliking to paearents fro 5 minutes or more and making all traffic wait for them to finish thier conversations ] etc …
If the inspector is getting tickets for his actions, it’s only fair the bus drive is reprimanded as well.
To “drive safe” and others:
You do NOT have the authority to make such a decision. You may go only if a police officer is present, and gives you the allowance to ignore regular driving rules. (Usually do to construction, accidents, and traffic light malfunction.)
You do not have the right to break the law, even if it is an inconvenience to you, and your schedule.
When you received your driver’s license, you signed a legal contract, which states that you agree that driving is a privilege, and not a right.
If you do not agree to those terms, and disregard the laws, because you believe that you have the “right’ to drive, you are in breech of contract.
How would you feel if you signed a 3 year lease for a car, and 3 months later, the company comes to your home, and takes the car away without any reason or warning?
Is that fair? No.
Why do YOU have the right to break rules, and not others?
One of the most moronic statements people make, “If public officials or cops break the law, so can I.”
If you witness a rabbi eat pork or break shabbos, would you do the same?
Think about that before using that excuse to break the law.