VIDEO [Updated 11:05 PM] The Township moments ago voted that the Board of Education cut the budget by $108,000. The cuts, which come after a defeated BOE budget, were originally recommended to be taken from the Community School in the district, says Deputy Mayor Steven Langert, but instead came from reduced insurance premiums.
The cuts, says Langert, are voted on by the Committee, but where the cuts are made, is up to the Board of Education.
The Committee thanked Committeeman Isaac Akerman, the newly appointed Budget Liaison, who spent the last two weeks working with the BOE and members of the public in trying to find savings in the already defeated budget.
The BOE budget was cut from $70,300,000 to $70,192,000, in addition to the cuts brought forward by the Board of Education. TLS.
not impressed
we are talking about millons.
Lay off more teachers and make kids walk to school
That is chump change!!
If they would eliminate the pensions of all those union workers, they would save millions. Only union workers get those big pensions and premier health insurance packages.
Are these cuts in addition to the cuts that were proposed by the BOE and voted down by the taxpayers in the BOE election? If it is then we owe hakoras hatov to our commitee members for making additional cuts.
Moshe says
apparentlly you have never held a job , teachers as all union workers negotiate contracts that are binding for both parties .
the BOE is afraid of the public school unions.
Its time special ed users unionize and protest.
There will come a point that people will be so fed up with taxes, we will vote every one of you out.
We didn’t reach that point yet. But that point will come soon.
Very soon.
we were expecting much more this is a big disapointment 100k from 70M commmoonnn
they r going thru the motions but its all farce whats 108.000 when where spending millons of our hard earned money?
Subcription Busing is the answer folks, and it can help, be it minimal,
remember only one school board member has children in the pub;ice school;, private schools are entitled to what they deserve.COURTESY BUSING WELL, let’s face it folks, do not talk about the health benefits here folks.21 million in busing wow
Dear glitz
How much $ for the failing public schools????!!!! look at those numbers then come and tell me about the busing.
It is sad you people don’t get it.
90 % of bussing is state mandated (as is pensions, btw) only a small amount is courtesy
actually, the amount stated is correct for courtesy busing – state mandates only over two or 2.5 miles, and very few of your children qualify for that. the rest is courtesy and this courtesy is costing us 20M
WE should cut for other things NOT the BOE. If we don’t eduacate these kids we will have more crime in our neighborhood.
Most of the private busing is state mandated. Does anyone know if the state pays for it or is it one of those unfunded mandates?
this was a very poor move on the township committee. We had the opportunity to really make cuts but because of internal Lakewood pressure the right moves were not made. This will come back to haunt all taxpayers and eventually the children
Why did they even bother?
108,000 is .153% of the budget. If I asked you to cut your household budget of $100,000, wouldn’t you be able to come up with more than a $153.00 to cut?
This is a joke.
Cut courtesy busing if you want savings. Under 2 1/2 miles you walk like we used to. or you put girls and boys on the same bus with a line down the center like it used to be. Or heaven forbid, you force private schools to have reasonable start and stop times. Ever seen buses dropping off men at midnight. Why? You want services you pay for them, it’s that simple!!