Township Approves Purchase Of 2 New SUVs For LPD

The Township approved the purchase of two additional Tahoe Sport Utility Vehicles for the Lakewood Police Department, a Township official says. The vehicles with emergency equipment and State contracted to purchase from approved vendors, were approved at $65,327.38, according to the Township’s resolution.

The official says the Tahoes make it easier for officers to get around during snow storms or other extreme weather.

Tahoes could be purchase with bonded funds, while standard police cars cannot, the official says.

Currently, the SUVs which are not designated for use in the UEZ zones, are utilized by shift supervisors.

Last year, the Township approved three such vehicles for the department. TLS.

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  1. i also heard they wanted to buy 2wd Tahoes, as #1 said.

    really smart to buy with money you don’t have, and you’ll only have to pay later- well after they’ve been junked.

  2. Complain! Complain! Complain! Maybe you all would have been happier if they just bought snow shoes for the officers to use in the winter.

  3. Its hard for me to understand all the negative things being posted here, I have to ask what world do you complainers live in??
    we spend way more than that on many other non essential items in this town and not one word spoken about that frivolous waste of money!

  4. as a tax payer that struggles to make ends meat to pay such high taxes it gives me pleasure to know where my hard earned $ is going to, i guess that who ever approved it can’t relate to the average tax payer, all i know is that all the people in charged promised they would cut spending, it seems they meant they would cut spending $ on plowing the snow

  5. what a bunch of babies, whiners, poor spellers, complainers most of you are. if you knew anything about the topic you are commenting on you would not be saying all of these stupid things. do you really think that they just spend money with no thought, planning, or no reason? grow up and stop sounding like a bunch of ungrateful people.

    Oh and one more thing, SPELL CHECK IS ALIVE AND WELL ON THIS SITE< SO LEARN TO USE IT !!!!!!!!!

  6. #23- they didn’t “receive” a bond- it means they are delaying the payment by using a bond. So in 10 maybe 20 years they will have to start paying for it. It’s not a grant. It’s a loan.

  7. But if Hatzolah or LCSW got two cars everyone would be happy. But not for the actual police officers that take care of the crime- gosh forbid our police get cars that help them patrol in the snow and bad weather.. What is wrong with you people?

  8. I’m ashamed to be a Lakewood Resident after reading some of these comments. I have seen some if the vehicles in the police department fleet and they are not fit to be a emergency response vehicle. Are you all aware that a garbage truck cost ten times the price of a police car and is only driven a third of the miles in a year.

  9. I agre 27, they do need more police vehicles, but for the regular patrol. Not for UEZ or supervisors, but to replace the patrol cars that get driven 24 hours a day

  10. Five vehicles in one year is not a lot people. Do you know that Ford no longer is making the crown vics? That means every police department and first responders are looking for new vehicles that will hold the same amount of equipment and that are serviceable. You cannot buy a corolla or accord and patrol 24 /7. so give the powers to be some credit and stop bashing.
    And if taxes don’t go up, you are being lied too, as they are cutting vital services just to fudge the numbers. A couple of cents shows they are making forward progress, not lying to you all. 999

  11. hey srk,
    look up Michigan state police and review test reports for the police ready 2wd tahoe, pursuit rated and number 1 yes number 1 police vehicle. currently that is.

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