Photo of one of the newly adjusted Pedestrian Crossing signs on Clifton Avenue. The signs, donated in February, previously read “Yield for pedestrians”, so instead of purchasing a new sign, the Township covered the “Yield” with a “Stop” sticker. The new law requiring motorists to come to a full stop has gone into effect April 1st and Police will begin issuing summonses to violators on May 1st.
Township Adjusts Pedestrian Signs Downtown, Violators Face Hefty Fines, Points

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Why were the signs donated there??There are so many other places that are in dire need of those signs…also,Clifton and 5st is part of the downtown sector….I would place one on 5st and one on 1st.
Just because a sign is donated…..aren’t these signs regulated by township statues…ex:the NO RIGHT TURNS placed about a year ago on madison and 7th were found illegal!!!
This will cause more accidents why can’t people cross at the light when its red?
if one is driving and has to suddenly stop for a pedestrian darting out in a crosswalk it will be very dangerous.
Nanny-state overreacting to a perceived danger – as usual.
do you even hear yourselves? You commenters should be banned from driving for a year so you reacquaint yourselves with being a pedestrian and with some basic decency and deference to others right to exist. Also, Clifton ave is not meant to be a speedway, and for that matter neither is Route 9 anymore. With our massive movement of people through all parts of our town, we will either learn some basic midos or someone will R”L come to a violent end. And then, you speeding self righteous cellphone holding ignoramuses will blame the tragedy on someone’s skirt being 3.99inches below her knee.
I will still be afraid to cross the street where there is no traffic light. I don’t trust the drivers out there to stop.
I only drive into town 4 times a year, when I pay my taxes. I try not to drive in town for anything else due to the traffic and the unruly pedestrians who dart out between cars. I do my shopping in Manchester, Brick or Toms River, even though they are further away. I don’t want someone running out into the street and I can’t stop. Sorry Lakewood, but I can’t afford a lawsuit.
ex:the NO RIGHT TURNS placed about a year ago on madison and 7th were found illegal!!!
These signs should have been approved by the state since Madison Ave is a state road. That is why they were taken down. All State roads are monitored and cared for by anything that goes up there must have their “blessing” .
The Clifton Ave signs are Township roads thus controlled by such. There is a difference when it comes to traffic on them…Plus Clifton Ave traffic sucks from the minute the sun comes up to the late in the evening.
HH, by creating more regulation and tickets it will cause less interest in driving to Clifton, which will cause less business for the Downtown.
Good job!
its about time these signs went up-they should be at every intersection. how about posting 15 mph signs on clifton ave….that will eliminate rear end accedents
Obviously, pedestrians have to use common sense as well,
This law is primarily targeted at pedestrians that are ALREADY in the cross walk, and the drivers who swerve around them. If you see a pedestrian in the crosswalk, you MUST come to a complete stop.
As a pedestrian, you must use common sense and look both ways before entering a cross walk, knowing that a lot of drivers will not stop.
As a driver, you must keep a safe distance between you and the car in front of you, so that in the event someone does dart into the cross walk, and the car in front of you comes to a sudden stop, you have sufficient time and space to stop. If you are too close, and hit the car, the police will not care about your excuse that “he stopped suddenly” because the cop will then ask “why were you not maintaining a safe distance, and why were you close enough that you did not have time to stop your own car?