[UPDATE – Bonus $1.6 Million Goal Reached] Toronto Launches a $1million 24-hour gift matching campaign on behalf of Yeshiva Yesodei Hatorah

yh2[COMMUNICATED] [CLICK HERE TO ENTER] Yesodei Hatorah is the anchor boys elementary Cheder in Toronto. yh1It boasts a collection of dedicated and experienced Rebbeim whose passion is felt by every Talmid. The Yeshiva was founded over 60 years ago and has grown exponentially, with a current enrollment of over 500 students. We need your help in order to continue to provide for our boys who will be the next generation of Bnei Torah.

We take this opportunity to reach out to all of our Alumni Talmidim and friends, who have benefitted tremendously from our Mosad, and ask that they make a contribution to help us succeed in our $1 million dollar campaign.

yh3Please go to www.charidy.com/YYH to donate, or call 416-519-2579.

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