1. Final reading of new zoning and usage laws of the downtown area. Proposal to be submitted to the township committee for reading and vote. 2. Final reading of parking changes, and sign placement in municipal lots. Proposal to be presented to Township committee for reading, and vote. 3. Bicycle ordinance. Final discussion of placement of bike racks. Proposal to UEZ to purchase racks. Letter for reading at Township Committee meeting. 4. Farmers market. Final proposal regarding hours, days, permits, advertising, and submission to authority to grant use of the town square. 5. Proposed parking lot additions to be explained. UEZ presentation on latest developments.
6. Implementation of muster zone area in second street parking lot. Discussion of latest developments.
7.Further discussions(time permitting)- security grates covering windows, magazine dispensers on the sidewalk, commission review of all future signage, public works street cleaning, responsibility of store owners cleaning front of stores.
when is the next meeting ?
I am very excited to hear there is a farmers market coming to town square. It will be nice to get fresh, locally grown produce at a fair price.
This wednesday at 10 am township building upstairs room A.
Everyone is invited to attend. If you have any concerns or ideas, whether you are a merchant, landlord, tenant, shopper, or just a concerned citizen, we would appreciate your input.
There IS no more UEZ, or won’t be. Gov. Christies new budget does away with all UEZ’s statewide!
wene is meating i whud like to come
Way it’s in the working hours 9-5??
you don’t work??or it’s not for ……!!
Where’s the spell check police!
What should be addressed are all these private lawn signs for fundraisers. Its bad enough during the elections. No one ever takes them down after the event and the are either are left up for weeks or are in the street. Permits should be issued for advertising these events. Lets clean up this town.